Warrior Knowledge Flashcards
Air Force Core Values
integrity first, service before self, excellence in all we do
Honor Code
We will not lie, steal or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does
Space Force Core Values
Character, connection, commitment, courage
Air Force Song
Off we go, into the wild blue yonder
climbing high into the sun
here they come, zooming to meet our thunder
at em now, give em the gun
down we dive, spouting our flame from under
off with one helluva roar
we live in fame or go down in flame HEY
nothing’ll stop the us air force
Space Force Song (not this week)
Were the mighty watchful eye,
gaurdians beyond the blue,
the invisible front line,
warfighters brave and true
bodly reaching into space
theres no limit to our sky
standing gaurd both night and day
were the space force from on high
Airman’s Creed
I am an American Airmen
I am a Warrior,
I have answered my nations call
I am an American airman
My mission is to fly, fight and win
I am faithful to a proud heritage.
a tradition of honor,
a legacy of valor
I am an American airman,
guardian of freedom and justice
My nations sword and shield
its sentry and avenger
I am an American airmen
wingman, leader, warrior
I will never leave an airman behind
I will never falter, and I will not fail.
`Air Force Mission
To fly, fight and win.
Airpower anytime, anywhere
Space Force Mission
Secure our nations interests in, from, and to space.
Holm Center Mission
We build leaders
AFROTC mission
To develop air and space force leaders
whom we expect to fight and win our nations wars.
Train and Evaluate cadets in AF institutional competencies
preparing them for the professional officer course
The Honorable Joseph R. Biden
Secretary of Defense
The Honorable Lloyd J. Austin
Secretary of the Air Force
The Honorable Frank Kendall III
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
General Charles Q. Brown
Chief of Staff of the Air Force
Gen David W. Alvin
Chief of Space Operations
Gen B. Chance Saltzman
Lt Gen Brian S. Robinson
Lt Gen Andrea D. Tullos
Holm Center/CC
Brig Gen Houston R. Cantwell
Col Corey M. Ramsby