Warnings Signs (2.4 and 2.5) Flashcards
warning, more signs
This road sign means:
A. Check your brakes.
B. A road joins from the right.
C. The maximum safe speed is 35 mph.
D. Deer crossing. Slow down and be ready to stop.
D. Deer crossing. Slow down and be ready to stop.
This road sign means:
*in a diamond
A. Intersection. Signal before turning.
B. A road joins from the right..
C. Sharp right turn in the road ahead.
D. Winding road ahead.
C. Sharp right turn in the road ahead.
This road sign means:
Squiggly road sign
A. Sharp turn to the right.
B. Keep to the side indicated by the arrow.
C. Winding road.
D. Pavement ends.
C. Winding road.
This road sign means:
A. A divided highway ends, keep to the right.
B. You must bear either right or left ahead.
C. A divided highway begins, keep to the right.
D. The road ends ahead.
B. You must bear either right or left ahead.
This road sign means:
A. Lane ends soon, merge right.
B. Work zone ahead.
C. Pass only in the right lane.
D. Do not pass cars ahead of you in your lane.
D. Do not pass cars ahead of you in your lane.
This road sign means:
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A. Right lane ends soon, merge left.
B. Soft shoulders.
C. Low place in the road.
D. Lane ends soon, merge right.
A. Right lane ends soon, merge left.
This road sign means:
A. Cars in right lane must slow down.
B. No left turn.
C. Merge.
D. Pass only in right lane.
C. Merge
You must always stop your vehicle at railroad crossings with flashing signals.
This road sign means:
*in a diamond
A. Left turns are not allowed.
B. A traffic signal is ahead.
C. Left turn from right lane only.
D. An intersection is ahead.
B. A traffic signal is ahead.
This road sign means:
A. Bicycles crossing or riding beside traffic.
B. Stop only if other cars approaching.
C. Yield right-of-way.
D. Soft shoulders for motorcycles.
A. Bicycles crossing or riding beside traffic.
This road sign means:
A. Bicycle crossing ahead.
B. Slow down. Change in traffic route ahead.
C. Pass only in the right lane.
D. Intersection ahead.
B. Slow down. Change in traffic route ahead.
This road sign means:
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A. Sharp right and left turns ahead.
B. Proceed into different traffic lanes. Part of the road ahead is closed.
C. The road ahead winds with a series of turns and curves.
D. Watch for cross traffic. A four-way intersection is ahead.
B. Proceed into different traffic lanes. Part of the road ahead is closed.
This road sign means:
A. A change in the traffic pattern or route is ahead in a work zone.
B. Caution. Road joins from the right.
C. Yield the right-of-way.
D. Slow down. Railroad crossing ahead.
A. A change in the traffic pattern or route is ahead in a work zone.
This traffic device means:
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A. A railroad crossing is ahead. Stop 50 feet ahead of tracks.
B. High occupancy vehicles only travel in this lane.
C. Do not proceed until lights have stopped flashing.
D. Work zone. Keep vehicle in middle of lane and obey posted speed limit.
D. Work zone. Keep vehicle in middle of lane and obey posted speed limit.
If you are convicted of exceeding the speed limit in a highway work zone, you may be fined.
This road sign means:
A. Automated photo enforcement is in place for the speed limit in this work zone. Always obey the posted speed limit.
B. Drivers are required to decrease their speed in this work zone.
C. Drivers are required to increase their speed in this work zone.
D. Due to photo enforcement for speed limits in this work zone, drivers may drive no more than 10 MPH above the posted speed limit.
A. Automated photo enforcement is in place for the speed limit in this work zone. Always obey the posted speed limit.