Warning Signs Flashcards
What is a Pedestrian Crossing sign
Be alert for people crossing your path. These signs
may include a flashing yellow beacon that indicates a
pedestrian is crossing, has recently crossed or is about
to cross.
What is a “Multiuse Path Crossing”
Bicyclists and pedestrians regularly cross the road
in the area.
What is a Curve
There is a curve ahead
What is Sharp Turn
There is a sharp turn in the road ahead
What is a Chevron
A sharp change in the direction of the road is at the sign
What is a Winding Road
The road contains a series of turns or curves
What is a Reversing Curves
The road ahead curves to the right, then left
What is a Crossroad
A four-way intersection is ahead. Cross traffic may
enter the road
What is Side Road
A “T” intersection is ahead. Traffic may
enter the road from the left or right.
Traffic is merging from the side shown.
What is Lane Reduction
The indicated lane ends soon. Vehicles in that lane must
merge into the through lane.
What is Two-Way Traffic Ahead
The one-way road joins a two-way road ahead. You will
be facing oncoming traffic.
What is Divided Highway begins or ends
These signs indicate the beginning or end
of a divided highway. Keep to the right
What does Stop Ahead mean
There is a stop sign ahead. Slow down and prepare to
What does Signal Ahead mean
A traffic signal is ahead. Slow down and be ready to stop.
What does “Reduced Speed limit ahead” mean
Gradually slow to the indicated speed.
What does Roundabout ahead mean
There is a roundabout intersection ahead.
What does Railroad Advance mean
A railroad crossing is ahead. You may have to stop.
What does Low Clearance mean
The overpass ahead has low clearance. Do not proceed if
your vehicle is too tall to pass under it.
What does Hill mean
A steep grade is ahead
What does Advisory speed mean.
Advises the safe speed for freeway ramps and
curves. This sign may be used with other signs.
Signs may be electronic and may change based
on current conditions.
What does Slippery when Wet mean
The pavement is unusually slick when wet.
What does Deer mean
Deer often cross the road in this area. Be alert.
Slow down if you see deer or other wildlife.