Warm Up BM's Flashcards
What is colonial protectorate? Give an example.
It is defined as a state but under the protection of another country; Puerto Rico under the United States.
Why did Native Americans revolt against the Spanish settlers?
Tired of being oppressed & being slaves
What is the Treaty of Tordesillas? What was their attitude towards non-Europeans?
Spanish & Portuguese, dividing of New World; no respect.
What event (period of time) had the greatest effect during the American Revolution of establishing human rights and a republic government.
The Enlightenment
What was Martin Luther’s main beliefs?
Salvation by faith alone, all equal under faith
Martin luther’s main argument?
Authority of church, sale of indulgences
The first European nation to establish a trading post in Asia?
Dutch/ Netherlands
How did the colonists act to the trade restrictions- Navigation Acts?
Why is Fort Sumter important to the US Civil War?
Caused the start- Confederate forces fired
What are the crusades?
Taken over of Holy Land (Jerusalem)
What was the commercial revolutionduring the Middle Ages?
Trade!! (Expansion)
What new institution sparked the growth of learning in Europe?
King> Nobles> Lords> Barons> Knights> Serfs/ Peasants… What is this an example of?
Holy Roman emperor controls what area & under what religion?
Western Europe & Christianity
Old World to New World= Rice/ coffee to Corn/ potatoes… What is this an example of?
Columbian Exchange
Why was the American Revolution successful?
Motivation France's help Britain's war debt Knowing the land Guerrilla warfare
What is imperialism and what were the reasons for European imperialism?
Where a bigger country controls a smaller one; new markets, inexpensive labor, raw materials
Buddhism & hinduism = ?
Cultural migrating by Suleyman the Magnificent was done by…?
Migration due to religion, trade & conquest
Technology that employed a division of labor…?
Henry Ford’s assembly line
Pictures = ?
Steam engine
Advanced technology made them superior to people who socialites were not technology advanced?
Social Darwinism
Defining moment of the French Revolution?
Reign of Terror
Increased demand for textiles during the Textile Revolution= ?
Exploited labor force
Congress of Vienna?
Restore monarchies & balance of powers & revolution
Emmeline Pankhurst?
Suffrage movements/ women’s rights
American Revolution influenced South America by…?
Overthrowing a colonial power
Jerusalem= holy land
Commercial Revolution during the Middle Ages?
Why is Fort Sumter important to the Civil War?
Confederate forces fire, start of Civil War
Creation of cultural blending?
Trade, religion, conquest
Renaissance, Age of Discovery, what’s next?
Scientific Revolution
Trade starts, cities begin, banks, whats next?
Declaration of Independence author?
Thomas Jefferson
Two countries with the most trading posts in Africa?
Netherlands & France
Heliocentric theory?
Sun is the center of the universe
Issac Newton is known for…?
Law of Gravity
Effects of industrialzation?
Bigger cities, poor living conditions, poor working conditions, new middle class
What were European colonists competing for in Africa?
Control of natural resources
What event had the greatest effect during the American Revolution of establishing human rights and a republic government?
The Enlightenment
Composer that signified Polish Nationalism?
During the 19th century, what cultural movement reflected the ideal of emotion, imagination, and spirit?
During the Industrial Revolution, describe the child labor conditions?
Poor, unsafe, harsh, long hours
The uprising of 1848 resulted in what plan ending?
Latin America got their independence with the help of who?
What was the main reason for the Crimean War?
What industry involves women working in their homes producing clothes?
Cottage industry
Karl Marx viewed Europe’s social changes in the Industrial Revolution as what?
Class struggle
Which government called for overthrowing existing government’s to create a classless society?
Who credited for creating a utopian community?
Robert Owens
The unification of Italy and Germany both used what type of force to unify various territories?
What event marked the beginning of the Great Depression?
Stock Market crash
What does “Raj” mean?
British rule of India (imperialism)
Who was Rasputin?
Holy man in Russia
What are the MAINE causes of WW1?
Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism, Ethnic groups
Describe a countries reason for imperialism?
More powerful, superior culture
Why is imperialism needed?
Pair the world leaders with countries:
Stalin, FDR, Mussolini, & Churchill
Stalin- Russia
FDR- America
Mussolini- Italy
Churchill- Britain
Why did Germany establish Weimar Republic?
To handle the war debt, get a stable government,
What did Stalin do to the farms during his first 5-Year Plan?
Collective Farming (government controlled)
What government has extreme Nationalism combined with militarism and dictator is called?
Sequence: Nicholas 2 abdicated the throne and then what group came to power?
The Bolsheviks
What event was the main cause of the Petrograd uprising of the Russian Revolution?
Famine (food shortages)
How did Trench Warfare change the fighting of WW1?
Defensive war: Caused a stalemate
What group of people revolted against the Russian Revolution Provisional Government?
What was the major consequence of the March Revolution? Who revolted against the March Revolution?
Nicholas the Czar stepped down; Women
Which country lost significant territory as a result of the 1919 Paris Peace Conference? (Meeting after WW1)
What does “Armenians deported by the Ottoman Empire” mean?
Genocide of an ethnic group
Crimean War, First Boer War, Russ-Japanese War= all fought what?
What was the focus of the Big Four during the Paris Peace Conference?
Prevent future war
How was the Ottoman Empire effected by the end of WW1?
Loss of territories: Czechoslavakia, Ugaslavia, and Poland
Why did the Germans create the Schlieffen Plan?
Two front war
Why did the US fail to ratify the Treaty of Versailles?
To stay out of European Affairs to become a World Power