Warm Season Grasses Flashcards
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Buffalo Grass (U.S.)
Poaceae Buchloe dactyloides
Native to Great Plains Region
Poor shade tolerance
Prefers fine textured soils
Alkaline soils prefered
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Hybrid Bermuda Grass
Poaceae Cynodon dactylon x Cynodon transvalensis
‘var’ mini verde
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St. Augustine Grass
Poaceae Stenotaphrum secundatum
shade tolerant
susceptible to iron clorosis
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Bermuda Grass
Poaceae Cynodon dactylon ‘var’ southern star
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Bahia Grass
Poaceae Paspalum notatum
Rhizomes only (no stolons)
native to Easter South America
low density
mostly apomictic (seed produces a clone of the mother)
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Poaceae Zoysia pacifica
FKA: Zoysia tenuifolia
only vegetatively propogated
most fine textured Zoysia sp.
Least cold tolerant Zoysia sp.
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Poaceae Zoysia matrella
vegetatively propogated only
“middle” Zoysia sp.
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Poaceae Zoysia japonica
seed available
coarse texture
Best cold tolerance of Zoysia sp.
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Seashore Paspalum
Poaceae Paspalum vaginatum
Finer texture than P. notatum
Denser than P. notatum
Stolons and Rhizomes
highest salinity tolerance - 34,000 ppm (seawater)
popular lawn grass near coastal areas i.e. Galveston
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Seashore Paspalum
Poaceae Paspalum vaginatum ‘var’ Sea Isle 2000
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Blue Grama Grass
Poaceae Bouteloua gracilis
Male seedhead like B. dactyloides
common SRC vegetation (roadside erosion control)
short rhizomes
very narrow leaves, sharp points
sparse density
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Bahia Grass
Poaceae Paspalum notatum
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Side Oats Grama Grass
Poaceae Bouteloua curtipendula
Centipede Grass
Poaceae Eremochloa ophiuroides
Common Carpet Grass
Poaceae Axonopus fissifolius