Warm Acrid herbs that release the exterior Flashcards
what herb is used for pregnancy, morning sickness, and detoxifies seafood poisoning
Zi Su Ye (Perillae Folium)
-shiso leaf
is ma huang for sweating or no sweating?
patient has no sweating
is gui zhi for sweating or no sweating?
patient has sweating
what two herbs are slightly warm (neutral) and is used for wind-cold or wind-heat
- Jing Jie (Herba Seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae)
2. Fang Feng (Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae)
what herb Stops Bleeding when charred
For epistaxis, Bloody stool, hemorrhage, etc.
Jing Jie (Herba Seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae)
what herb stops asthma, wheezing, and promotes urination
Ma Huang( ephedra herba)
-alleviates itching and rashes (early stage)
-releases the exterior
-stops bleeding
Jing Jie (Herba Seu Flos Schizonepetae Tenuifoliae)
–japanese cat nip
Coughing, wheezing, and peeing + release exterior
Ma Huang( ephedra herba)
Adjusts the Ying and Wei Levels
-warms the channels for bi syndrome
- promotes circulation
Gui Zhi - Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae
what herb releases the exterior, Stops Spasms Associated with Wind, and used for migraines
-also spreads the LV qi
fang feng (saposhnikoviae radix)
-treat bi syndrome in upper body
-Tai Yang/ occipital headache
-Guides to Du channel and Tai Yang
* esp. in upper body and occiput
qiāng huó (notopterygii rhizoma seu radix)
what herb is used for yang Ming frontal headache, sinus issues, supraorbital pain
Bai Zhi - Radix Angelicae Dahuricae
-this herb Reduces Pus and Swelling and is used for sinus congestion
Bai Zhi - Radix Angelicae Dahuricae
Warms the Lungs
For copious cold phlegm, congested fluids, and nasal congestion.
xì xīn (asari radix et rhizoma)
what herb takes care of shao yin (KD) cold- deep deep cold + shao yin headaches
xì xīn (asari radix et rhizoma)
Treats Both Ends of the Du Mai for vertex headache and lower back pain
gǎo běn (ligustici rhizoma)
what herb is incompatible with Li Lu (herb that induces vomitting)
xì xīn (asari radix et rhizoma)
Opens the Nasal Passages and Alleviates Pain
Sinus issues, thick nasal discharge, loss of smell
Cang Er Zi (Fructus Xanthii Siberici)
what herbs are for sinus issues?
- Xin Yi Hua - Flos (Magnoliae Lilliflorae)
- Cang Er Zi (Fructus Xanthii Siberici)
- Bai Zhi - (Radix Angelicae Dahuricae)
- Xi Xin
-Relieves summer heat
-promote urination
-release exterior
Xiang Ru (Herba Elsholtziae)
-Releases the Exterior
-Warms the Middle Jiao
-nausea, vomitting, seafood poisoning
-helps with toxicity of other herbs
Cold in the stomach- vommiting, diarrhea
Sheng Jiang (Uncooked Rhizoma Zingiberis) -ginger
What 2 herbs Adjusts the Ying and the Wei levels
- Gui Zhi - Ramulus Cinnamomi Cassiae
- Sheng Jiang (Uncooked Rhizoma Zingiberis)
- ginger
what herbs promote urination?
- Ma Huang- ephedra herba
- Xiang Ru (Herba Elsholtziae)
- Sheng Jiang Pi
(Uncooked Rhizoma Zingiberis)
-giner peel
what herb should be wrapped when decocted?
Xin Yi Hua (flos magnolia lilliflorae)
Xi Xin highest dose?
Which of the following herb can both disperse exterior wind and internal wind?
Fang Feng - Radix Ledebouriellae Divaricatae
what warm acrid herbs ONLY use is sinus/nasal congestions
Xin Yi Hua - Flos (Magnoliae Lilliflorae)
what herbs can treat wind heat or cold
- jing jie
- fang feng
Jue Yin/vertex headache + release exterior herb
Gao Ben (Ligustici Rhizoma)
Dispel WCD, alleviate pain,
-Jue Yin headache
-treats both ends of DU mai
Gao Ben (Ligustici Rhizoma)
Warm Acrid Herbs- Release Exterior 🍂🍂🍂 14
- Ma Huang (Ephedrae Herba)
- Gui Zhi (Cinnamomi Ramulus)
- Zi Su Ye (Perillae Folium)
- Jing Jie (Schizonepetae Herba)
- Fang Feng (Saposhnikoviae Radix)
- Qiang Huo (Notopterygii Rhizoma seu Radix)
- Gao Ben (Ligustici Rhizoma)
- Bai Zhi (Angelicae dahuricae Radix)
- Xi Xin (Asari Radix et Rhizoma)
- Sheng Jiang (Zingiberis Rhizoma recens)
- Cong Bai (Allii fistulosi Bulbus)
- Xiang Ru (Moslae Herba)
- Cang Er Zi (Xanthii Fructus)
- Xin Yi Hua (Magnoliae Flos)