Warehouse Flashcards
Can you tell me about you and your warehouse experience?
I took on the role of an assistant at Apex services where I dealt with writing up leases under supervision, doing administration tasks, interacting with consultants and organising mail and packages. I don’t have any experience with warehouses as I’m currently a university student, but I do have experience with working with people from different backgrounds and industries. A lot of my degree consists of working with software systems like word and excel as well as being able to manage my time efficiently. My team-work skills have enhanced quite a lot especially with joining societies like badminton, student accounting and finance society, women’s stem society etc. I work very actively within these societies so I know how to handle difficult tasks and can get things done within a time limit as well as being attentive to small details.
What do you know about Amazon and our values?
I wasn’t a very big online shopper until COVID hit, and we obviously had no choice but to shop online, and whenever I did need to buy anything online my go to place was definitely Amazon. I’m actually a prime member myself so I can vouch for the fact that Amazon services are really good which ties in with their values. For example, they really do care about their customers, by gaining their trust and paying attention to their needs. They challenge their work force to innovate and think creatively which encourages staff to think uniquely and to showcase their talents and one of the values that has intrigued me the most would be that they are always promoting opportunities and inspire staff to improve themselves and that brings out the best in a workforce. So I know that Amazon are an American multinational company which focus on different services like e-commerce, artificial intelligence and cloud computing and was founded by Jeff Bezos in 1994, so from the very beginning the company has always focused on meeting different market segment needs. I actually did my Advanced Higher Business Management report on Amazon’s CSR so I spent a lot of time researching their ethical behaviour and social responsibilities.
How does a member of the warehouse team fit in with the team approach to customer satisfaction?
A customer who gets the product they requested for at the time they need it will become a repeat customer. This is why the Amazon team need to work together. If for example the marketing team promoted next day deliveries, but the warehouse staff were behind on orders the customer would be dissatisfied that Amazon aren’t sticking with their promise on next day delivery. This could result in customers turning to other companies So working as part of a team allows tasks to be carried out efficiently and to the standard required.
How do you ensure the correct goods are sent on time to the correct customer’s address?
I would follow a three-step process, so first I would review the order by checking the quantity of goods, delivery due date and the address. Then I would double-check that I have the correct goods before I package it as well as checking the address again to make sure I have the right label and finally I would use the amazon scanners to triple check the accuracy.
What is the maximum weight per package, you can pick by hand?
Although I don’t have any specific experience with warehouses, I have had to follow numerous safety policies and procedures, for example when dealing with packages in Apex services or handling chemicals in the lab, so I’m aware of work act regulations and I know that unassisted lifting of parcels cannot be heavier than 23kg.
What process do you use to remember where a large number of goods are located in the warehouse?
In my last role they had a backroom with mail and packages that needed packing on a daily basis. For this role it was important to know where all the key items were stored. Initially, when I first started, I wrote down which part of the storeroom I had to attend to the most, allowing me to learn quickly where these goods were. For other items, I spent time reading the storage system manual, which I learned was kept in an alphabetical system, so I used that to memorize where letters etc were kept.
What would you do if you had a spillage in the warehouse while having a deadline to dispatch a large number of goods?
If I had a spillage, I would make sure to let people know about it so for example I could use a Caution Wet sign so that I could avoid any injuries being caused by the spillage. Once i’ve done that I would ask a colleague for help with the dispatch whilst I let my supervisor know about the spillage and then I would ask whether or not I should clean it up or let someone else know about the spillage. But my first and most important step would be to ensure that everyone working near the area is aware of the hazard to ensure everyone stays safe.
What are your weaknesses?
One of my weaknesses would be being hesitant with my decisions especially when I know it’s the right decision but instead of going with what I believe is to be right, I tend to listen to the loudest person in the room. I’ve noticed that it’s something that I used to do a lot until a time when I was doing lab work with a group and I didn’t share my idea on how to handle certain chemicals and decided to stay mute during the decision making process and it led to a huge disaster, and since then I’ve always volunteered my opinions, even if there’s a possibility of it being wrong, I still think it’s better to speak up than stay quiet. I always think before I speak and to think logically, so I don’t know why I used to be so hesitant.
Do you have any questions for me?
What mandatory training do I get once I start a position with Amazon?
What would you do if you suspected a colleague of stealing goods?
If i suspected someone of stealing, I would go to my supervisor because it’s not a situation that I can handle and I definitely don’t have jurisdiction in that area. I wouldn’t let my personal relationship get in the way of that because not only is stealing morally wrong it goes against policy and me not reporting it would automatically make me just as bad.
Give us a situation when you took lead?
A situation where I took lead was when I was doing a group project where we had to come up with a pitch for a business idea, at the end of the pitch, the investors asked a series of specific questions which was meant to be covered by certain group members, however under the pressure I had to take lead and answer them on the spot.
Give us a situation when you had to solve a problem quickly?
During my previous role at Apex Services, we had a client come in who was under stress due to a badly written lease that was due at the end of the day. I managed to console the client by listening to their concerns and asking them clarifying questions so that i was able to understand their issue and therefore handle the report, I fixed the grammar and phrasing, and some techincal terms was then able to hand it to my supervisor.
Give us a situation when you went above and beyond for a customer?
A time I went above and beyond for a customer, was when I was volunteering at a charity shop and I noticed a donator struggling to bring in his donations from his car, he had bags of clothes in his car, so I went out and helped him bring them in and put them into the separate baskets and since he was a regular donator, I showed my appreciation by giving him some of the charity merchandise.
What do you consider good customer service?
Good customer service would be valuing every customer that walks into the store and doing my utmost to meet their requirements. Good customer service involves remaining polite and attentive so that they leave the store with high satisfaction of the company.
Why do you want to work for us?
When I read the company values, well actually I did a report on Amazon and its CSR a couple years ago for my Adv Business assignment, so I did alot of research on their values and it became clear that my own principles aligned with those values very well. For example the company’s motto is work hard. Have fun. Make history. and that shows that working hard doesnt mean you can’t enjoy the environment your in. And I know that Amazon have a very hgih reputation for providing high standards and constantly creating new ideas to innovate e-commerce so working hard is recognised and awarded aswell as encouraging staff to have fun by thinking outside the box and that reflects the kind of positive environment that Ive been looking for and want to work for.