War Photographer Flashcards
Explore the fact that worriors come in many forms and in this instance the worrior would be a war phtotogtapher who exoeriences the same battle fields as the soldiers would with the aim to bring about peace in the world
Outrage at the injustice.
Delayed pain/grief
Belfast. Beiruit. Phnom penh. all flesh is grass
Plosive caesurae cutting off of life
All flesh is grass - everything passes away
He sees himself perferoming a religious service in someway just as a priest at a funeral would he gives dignity and it is spiritually important for the people.
They do not care
Delayed grief
“A stranger’s features
faintly start to twist before his eyes,
a half-formed ghost.”
Suppressed emotions particularly response to conflict emerges later same way as the photographer
delayed trauma
Alliteration, metaphor, alliteration on “f” - his personal pain sound of sob welling up inside him (caesura - checking his emotions)
Spititual nature of being a war photographer
Many types of warrior not all of the carry guns/ conflict is not something taht just affect soldiers (compare with poppies)
Collateral damage of conflict damage resonate thoughout family and others in many ways
“to ordinary pain which simple weather can dispel,
to fields which don’t explode beneath the feet
of running children in a nightmare heat.”
Rhyme to link
Assonance joined - emotions running away. Collateral damage of war
“A hundred agonies in black and white
from which his editor will pick out five or six
for Sunday’s supplement.”
Sibilance - spitting
“with spools of suffering set out in ordered rows.”
Metaphor each roll of films is a record of pain lined up in war grave - regimented ordered as a soldirs would or how people would honour the dead
This were a chuch and he a priest
“He has a job to do.”
Stark monosylabic - contain emotions
sacret duty
To bring out dignity
Spiritual nature
Bringing dignity
“as though this were a church and he
a priest preparing to intone a Mass.”
Handle the images with reverence
Pain of war effect of conflicf is permanant / unerasable
“how the blood stained into foreign dust.”
Metaphorical - permanant stain on a country but also on a war (remains)
Conflict brands someone on the soldiers or bystander
Reluar rhyme
Sulll line stanza
Ordered lines - mirros the ordered rolls (only way to handle the pain is to be disciplined)
He must be as disciplined as a soldiers to discipline his emotions
Regular ish rhyme scheme - to try bring order to chaos (job of a photographer)
Sibilance repeated - his anger spiting with rage which he can only just contain
Solution splot
Enjambment = emotion gets the better of him but he checks it( contains it)
My response
Brings about a new perspective that challenges everyone as we are the ones who read “sunday suppliments” involves reader indrectly invovles us
Poetry like a weapon