War and Society/Culture Flashcards
Where does John Keegan think the focus should be in military history?
On the experience of battle and combat - namely, what is it like to participate the rigors and often horrors of combat.
Why does Keegan argue for the primacy of battle/campaign history?
He argues it’s the oldest historical form, subject matter is of primary importance, and it demands rigourous historical treatment and attention.
Does ‘small scale’ action qualify as battle?
For Keegan, no. Battles obey laws of time, place, and action - especially action. (So, his colleagues in decolonial skirmishes? Soldiers who haven’t been through battle).
Keegan Q
Keegan Q
Keegan Q
In War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds, does anthropologist Brian Ferguson think there is much difference between pre-state and state warfare?
What is Victor Davis Hanson’s emphasis on in his answer to Ferguson?
Stresses the connections between war and agriculture; stresses the free citizenry angle of Greek and Roman warfare and the value of heavy infantry.
How did warfare and society tend to interact in the pre-modern world, per the authors of War and Society in Ancient and Medieval Worlds?
Continuous warfare or threat of it influenced internal social structure and culture, which then, in turn, drove military policies towards aggression and expansion.
What are the hallmarks of pre-modern military oriented societies per the authors of War and Society in Ancient and Medieval Worlds?
Societies are hierarchical and stratified (with exceptions such as Athens), states willing and able to exploit peasants for purposes of wealth extraction and social order, society on the whole concentrated on mobilizing resources for war at the cost of other societal priorities, state control over land and its food which would support a growing population which would, in turn, fuel armies which would expand the state.
What is Roseinstein’s argument, in Rome at War, about the decline of the peasantry following the Punic Wars?
Rosenstein argues that steep population growth in the second population BC was the cause of hardship among Rome’s peasant classes.
What previous explanations for the decline of the peasantry does Rosenstein challenge?
1) devastation of Punic wars 2) heavy burden of conscription 3) expansion of latifundia (large estates)
What was the main engine for population growth?
High wartime mortality led to the institution of a fertility regime in which girls married younger and had more children to ensure an heir survived.
What does Grimsley identity as the three stages of Union attitudes towards Southern Civilians?
Conciliatory (first fifteen months), pragmatic (summer 1862-1863), and “hard war” of 1864-1865 focused on demoralization through seizing or destroying property.
How does Grimsley’s interpretation of the conciliatory phase differ from other historians?
They have seen it as a sentimental gesture; Grimsley sees it as historical military precedent from the Revolution and the Mexican-American war.