War and Peace Flashcards
What is the issue that prompted the creation of the Just War theory?
For the first 300 years of Christianity, it was a pacifist religion. War only became an issue when Constantine introduced it as the official religion of the Roman Empire. They had to justify the wars they fought
jus ad bellum
going into war (reasons why)
jus in bello
the ways you behave in war (your actions)
jus post bellum
how you deal with after the war (only really affects the side that wins)
what happened in the first Iraq war?
Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. The action was taken by the UN. On the face of it, it was a just war.
what makes the first Iraq war more complicated?
It was really about oil. Kuwait made it so that Iraq didn’t have all the oil. Originally British colonies. Kuwait treats women awfully. Were both members of OPEC. Kuwait was deliberately defying Iraq by messing with the oil prices. Saudi Arabia only got to do stuff because of Britain - biggest ally
what happened in 2nd Gulf war?
Britain and the USA claimed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. Now we find out that Bush Jr and Blair misled people as there were no weapons of mass destruction
in both iraq wars, what recognition was there?
at least there was a recognition that a just authority needed to approve
Falklands War: jus in bello example
meeting to justify sinking of Belgrano, the Argentinian battleship in 1982
what does Ninian Smart think about jus post bellum?
it never falls upon the losers of the war to justify why they went to war
what issues were there after the 2nd Gulf War (jus post bellum)?
lack of preparation for what happened after, and Bush Jr and Blair are criticised for not planning what would happen
what happened after ww2 (jus post bellum)?
US response: The Marshall Plan. Also the UN Declaration of Human Rights. BUT also founding of Israel and Eastern Block
what is an example of a nuclear war?
has only ever been one: Hiroshima and Nagasaki
how did Truman justify the nuclear war?
on the grounds that less people would die from the bombs than if the war was left to continue (utilitarian)
how many times has the world got close to the same kind of nuclear war?
Cuban Missile Crisis (America threatened Russia), Arab-Israeli War (1973, USA proposed intervention and USSR said if you do we will nuke), Britain’s plan if they lost Falklands was to attack Argentina. 3 times