WAN Flashcards
Frame Relay is considered connection oriented digital WAN link ? (true / false)
Frame relay is based on packet switching technology ? (True / False)
Frame Relay has less overhead and latency than X.25?
True. Frame Relay implements no error or flow control, which leads to simplified handling and reduced latency.
Frame relay can be used to interconnect LANs?
Frame relay is mostly implemented using permanent virtual circuits?
Frame Relay is used on circuits ranging from 56kb/s up to 45Mb/s.
With frame relay costs are base solely on the distance the packets travel ?
Frame Relay is not flexible and will not handle bursts of data ?
Frame Relay can use one physical interface for multiple connections ?
A switching technology that has pre-established dedicated circuit (or channel) between nodes and terminals.
Circuit Switching
A switching technology that establishes routes through the switches for particular end-to-end connections.
Packet Switching
A switching technology where a virtual circuit is only physically in existence while a packet is traveling through it.
Connection-oriented Packet Switching
A switching technology where each switch must evaluate the address of the packet to determine where to send it.
Connectionless Packet Switching
Operates at network layer, and the SVC is identified by a channel number.
Operates at the data link layer, and the PVC is identified by a Data Link Control Identifier (DLCI)
Frame Relay