Walker equations Flashcards
how do you calculate wavelength
1/wave number
how do you calculate wavenumber
give both equations for energy
h = planks constant
v = frequency
how to calculate the energy of a single photon
E = hc/wavelength
c = speed of light
h = planks constant
how to convert from energy of a single photon into 1 mol of photons
multiply by avogadros then divide by 1000
how do you calculate speed of light
c = wavelength x frequency
how do you calculate frequency
v = c x 1/wavelength
v = c x wavenumber
what is I 0
what units should cell length be in
in terms of HOMO and LUMO what does n mean
HOMO level
how do we adapt the energy equation for the LUMO
for the reduced mass how do you convert from gmol-1 to kgatom-1
divide by 1000 then divide by avogadros
what is the equation for zero point energy
zero point energy = 1/2hv
how do you calculate the number of rotational nodes
for linear molecule the rotational nodes =2
for non-linear molecules the rotation nodes = 3
how to calculate the number of rotational modes
for linear molecules the rotational modes = 3N-5
for non-linear molecules the rotational modes = 3N-6
n is equal to the number of atoms within the molecule of interest