Walden Scene Flashcards
Would you ever consider
coming back? To do tests? To be the control?
I don’t
I’m not going to
I don’t
Want to?
It would be really valuable information to have because
wait…. wait
it’s not
Why did you come here?
To see you. NOT- look.
I’m not exactly sure how to say this. So im just going to say it. They want me to lead Walden.
I haven’t- I haven’t given them, I don’t really know what to do, but they-
Walden is happening?
Wow. They chose Walden.
I would start training Monday
Like in two days Monday?
It’s very preliminary training… wouldn’t go up til next year. But-
And…has the design changed?
I mean, I think John has made a few tweaks, but as far as I can tell it’s still yours.
Um, how many? Still 20 people?
You’d lead the scientific base?
Of course, it has to be John, he’s who knows the design. He’s the one closest to it now. Unless- so. So.
They want me to ask you.
Offer you.
Hold on.
[place Manila envelope in front of Stella]
This is an offer. An official job offer. For you. To be a part of the team on the ground. Manage the mission from the ground.
So that’s why you’re out here.
I’m out here to see you. And yeah, to offer you this. To ask you. They thought it would be- if I-
[…] You don’t get it. I am done. I’m done.
I don’t understand. I don’t. If I hadn’t passed the tests, I would still absolutely work on the field, I would assist from the ground, I would do it. It’s- I mean I feel like I learned from you, that it’s a duty.
[…] you aren’t sure if you’ll accept the mission?
It’s a really complicated- decision.
You want to talk about duty?
It’s- I know-
Isn’t this the goal? This is the highest goal.
Well I guess I’m not thinking about it like a “goal” I’m thinking about it being for the rest of my life. I never imagined this.
What are you talking about? We always imagined this.
It’s something I never imagined happening alone.
You won’t be alone.
Without you. I mean without you. Lella, we are talking about the rest of my life. You’ll never see me again. And you won’t even- all you can say is you should go.
You should.
I guess I thought you might say don’t go.
You really thought I would say that?
I just thought you might acknowledge- the sacrifice. I would be making. I don’t think it will be much of a life.
THAT is a duty.
Great. So it’s a duty. Got it.