Walden Flashcards
hemoglobin content
measure of avg color
indicates variation of RBC size
iron in blood
serum iron
iron storage,
serum ferritin
ability of bone marrow production
reticulocyte count
total iron binding capacity, if iron is low TIBC is high vice versa
indicate glomerulonephritis not UTI, acute/chronic renal fx nor urolithiasis
Red cell casts
lifespan is 3 months
shift to the left means severe bacterial infection
can indicate allergies, cancer, parasitic disease
biggest WBC then Lymphocytes
is the breakdown of rbc
Tx - phototherapy, hydration, breast feeding or formulary feeding
Hyper bilirubin
transmitted thru contaminated water and food
Hep A
transmitted thru blood, (most common is sexual activity) and mother child transfer at birth TX PEG-IFN, ETV, TDF
Hep B
transmitted thru mother and child at birth, tattoos and contaminated needles,
hemodialysis, sexual contact with someone with Hep C, common cause liver cancer, Dx - HCV antibody
Tx - antivirals and PEG-IFN,
Hep C
<30,000 plt, Plt broken down by spleen causing thrombocytopenia, Signs of bruising, petechia, purpura, epistaxis, gingival bleed,
Tx - initial glucocorticosteroids (prednisone)
Idiopathic thrombocytopenia purpura
plt count <150,000 Signs of bruising, petechia, purpura, epistaxis, gingival bleed
is screening test for all anemias
toxoplasma, Other infections, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, Herpes
expected findings are positive Romberg/Babinski, Glossitis- burning of tongue, tingling and numbness of feet, diarrhea, dizzy, fatigue muscle weakness loss of appetite, SOB, confusion, paranoia, neuro changes causing nerve pain,
Tx - cobalamin IM
B12 deficiency -
Macrocytic anemia
autoimmune disorder destruction of parietal cells which causes cessation of intrinsic factor, decreased reflexes
Dx - check vitamin b levels, antibody test for intrinsic factor,
Pernicious -
Macrocytic anemia
alcoholic, normal signs of anemia,
Dx - cbc, peripheral smear, folate level give PO folate, leafy green vegetables, beans (liver, pasta cereals)
Folate deficiency -
Macrocytic anemia
normocytic anemia normochromic, but <20% microcytic
Dx - serum ferritin
Anemia of chronic disease -
Microcytic anemia
destruction of stem cells in bone marrow, causes pancytopenia
Dx - gold standard bone marrow biopsy, CBC plt count,
Tx - refer to hematologist, ER
Aplastic anemia -
Microcytic anemia
microcytic, hypochromic but normal RDW, Mediterranean descent, Philippine….Beta
Dx - electrophoresis Alpha- - initial test is CBC Iron levels,
Thalassemia -
Microcytic anemia
microcytic, hypochromic, pallor, fatigue, glossitis, cheilitis, poikilocytosis/shapes, anisocytosis/size, elevated RDW, numbness and tingling in both hands, pica, koilonychia
Dx - serum ferritin
Tx - correct anemia, rule out GI malignancy, increase fiber fluids, iron supplementation FERROUS SULFATE BEST IRON TO ABSORB
Iron deficiency anemia -
Microcytic anemia
acquired or inherited, bone marrow unable to incorporate iron into hemoglobin
Dx - Prussian blue stain of bone marrow aspirate
Sideroblastic anemia -
Microcytic anemia
1/500 Africans has sickle, higher risk of death from infection, ischemic necrosis of bones, skin renal liver, frequent infections
Dx - screen is CBC, gold test is electrophoresis
Tx - refer to hematologist, genetic counseling
Sickle cell
cancer of b cells pruritic, painless lymph nodes, night sweats, fever, pain with alcohol drinks, young adults
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
cancer of b cells and killer cells, painless lymph nodes, older adult >65, poor prognosis
Nonhodgkins lymphoma
cancer of plasma cells, fatigue, weakness, bone pain on chest to back, proteinuria (Bence jones protein) hypercalcemia
Multiple myeloma
tells us acute or chronic infection hepatitis B surface antigen (neg for current Hep B)
When this is positive or reactive, it means that. you have HBV infection or had it at some time in the past. - hepatitis B core antibody (no antibody, never had Hep B)
tells us if immune due to previous infection or vaccination hepatitis B surface antibody
(positive means immunized)
(positive=infected/negative= not infected)
tells us if antibodies are present positive=immunized/negative= not immunized
Anti-HAV IgG
previous anaphylaxis reaction
IgE mediated reaction