WAB Flashcards
4 main areas of WAB
1) Oral Fluency
2) Auditory Comprehension
3) Naming/Word Finding
4) Repetition
Also has a reading & writing testing section
Severity Scores
0-25 Very Severe
26-50 Severe
51-75 Moderate
76+ Mild
Purely a syndrome approach
Global, Broca’s, Isolation, Transcortical Motor, Wernicke’s, Transcortical Sensory, Anomic
There is some relationship between type of aphasia and # (global=low, broca’s>25)
Prognostic value in AQ, too!
Criterion referenced against patients with similar profiles
Spontaneous Speech
1) Conversational Questions
2) Picture Description
* Each test is judged on fluency, grammar, paraphasias, phrase length, cohesion, topic maintainence, articulatory agility
If fluency is a 4 or less, pt is NONFLUENT
Auditory Comprehension
1) Yes/No Questions: very simple.
2) Auditory Word Recognition: Client is asked to point to objects or pictured items (objects, letters/numbers, furniture, body parts)
3) Sequential Commands: Client is orally provided with directions with increasing complexity
1) Object Naming: Client is asked to name objects around the room and then pictured items in a book (can give phonemic, semantic, tactile cue)
* 1 point is deducted for phonemic paraphasias
2) Word Fluency: Name as many animals as you can in a minute (divergent naming task)
* norm at least 20 in 1 minute
3) Sentence Completion: Client finishes a provided sentence
* access SS but with context
* automatic phrases
4) Responsive Speech: Client has to respond to a common knowledge question (“What color is grass?”)
* If good at answering wh-questions, can use MAPPING THERAPY
Increasing linguistic complexity
Starts at word level, then moves up to sentence level
1 point deducted per phonemic paraphasia
1) Reading Comp of Sentences: Pt reads sentence (either aloud or silently) and chooses best word to complete the sentence from 4 semantic/phonological foils
2) Reading Commands: pt reads aloud 1 sentence at a time and performs actions indicated in each sentence
3) Reading Nonwords: decode non words (extended test)
4) Written Word Object Choice Matching: pt reads word presented & points to 1 of 6 randomly arranged objects that matches the written word
5) Written Word Picture Choice Matching: pt reads a word and points to 1/6 pictuers that matches the word
6) Picture Written Word Choice Matching: pt looks at picture presented and points to 1/6 words that matches the picture
7) Spoken Word Written Word Choice Matching: examiner reads aloud and pt matches the word to a picture
1) Spelled Word Recognition: examiner spells a word aloud and patient says the word
2) Spelling: pt spells 6 words
3) Writing Upon Request: write your name & adress
4) Writing Output: writing a description of the picture they saw earlier, they have about 3 min and you can prompt them with a list of question
5) Writing Dictated Words: basically a spelling test, if they don’t respond you can show them the object you want them to write, if they still cannot do it, you can spell the word verbally and gesture them to write
6) Dictated Alphabet & Numbers: examiner tells client to write different letters and numbers and evaluates their accuracy & motoric formation
7) Copying a Sentence
8) Writing Non words: extended test, client is dictated non words they they must write
Visuospatial/Cognitive tests
1) Drawing: pt draws 8 figures that increase in difficulty (includes clock drawing)
2) Block Design: pt uses 4 red and white Koh’s blocks to copy 3 different designs presented in stimulus book
3) Calculation; solves 12 math problems (+,-,x,/)
4) Raven’s Colored Progressive Matrixes: examiner presents a matrix/pattern with missing piece, pt chooses missing piece from 6 choices
Limb Apraxia
Measures praxis by testing iconic & transitive limb, axial, & buccofacial movements
20 actions
Criteria for Broca’s
fluency: <9
Criteria for Global
fluency: <7
Criteria for Transcortical Motor
Fluency: <9
Criteria for Wernicke’s
Fluency >4
AC 0-6.9
Repetition: 0-7.9
Naming and Wf: <10
Criteria for Transcortical Sensory
Fluency: >4
AC: 0-6.9
Repetition: 8-10
Naming and WF: <10
Criteria for Conduction
Fluency >4
AC: 7-10
Repetition 0-6.9
Naming and WF: <10
fluency >4
AC: 7-10
Repetition: 7-10
Naming and WF: <10