W9.2_Tertiary Structure of Proteins Flashcards
How do secondary structures connect to form tertiary structures? Contrast the structures of loops and turns. Define motif, domain, and subunit.
- Secondary structures connect (through loops/bends) and fold (through non-covalent/covalent forces) to form tertiary structure
- Loops: stretch of exposed hydrophilic residues on surface of proteins to increase flexibility/solubility in water, connect to α-helices and ß-sheets with no regular/repetitive structure
- Turns: loops but <5 residues, most common as ß-turns
- Motif: typical arrangement of ≥2 2o structures (ex. ß-α-ß, ß-ß, α-loop-α, rarely charged in loops to bind with ions)
- Domain: contains many motifs and folded to give a stable, self-contained tertiary structure
- Subunit: combine many domains
Explain the different bonding forces that hold proteins together.
- Covalent (disulphide bond): strongest side chain interaction (Cys) through oxidation
- Hydrogen bonds: most important inside protein, protected from exchange with water molecules
- Hydrophobic bonding: ∆G=∆H-T∆S (stable system if ∆G = -ve -> ∆G is desirable when ∆S is high)
- Non-polar compound in water -> loose H-bond network of water lose entropy to rearrange around H2O molecules to maintain total H-bonding energy -> hydrophobic side chain cluster together to avoid H2O -> minimum surface area presented to H2O -> some H2O molecules liberated from solvation shell -> increase entropy
- Van der Waals’ forces: uneven distribution of e- atoms -> attract one another until they reach Van der - Waals’ distance (closer -> repel), very weak, but lots of them can mount up
- Ionic & electrostatic forces: E=(Z+ x Z-)/(p x r) (Z+/Z-: charges, p: dielectric constant (low at non-polar solvent, high at polar solvent, r: distance2
- Two oppositely charged molecules (including δ+/δ-) attract
- Higher E (energy of interaction) value: favourable, stronger forces
Describe how secondary structures of proteins collapse into conformations to form tertiary structures. In what cases where the structure would be reversed?
- Hydrophobic interaction favours contact between non-polar aliphatic R groups (in hydrophobic core)
- Hydrophilic R groups on outside of membrane -> exposed to solvent to allow interactions by forming different bonds with other molecules (may change protein structure)
- Packing of aliphatic/hydrophobic groups in internal core and polar groups exposed to water to form hydration shell surrounding protein (main driving force: increase in entropy when hydrophobic groups are buried inside)
- Reverse (hydrophobic out and hydrophilic in) for membrane proteins and ion channels due to environment/function
Describe the positions and functions of different amino acids in globular and membrane proteins.
- Non-polar amino acids:
- Globular proteins: interior to form hydrophobic core
- Membrane proteins: surface to anchor with lipid chains
- Polar, charged amino acids:
- Globular proteins: usually surface/interior for catalytic sites
- Membrane proteins: extra membranous/electrostatic interaction/functional groups/form hydrophilic core
- Polar, neutral amino acids:
- Globular proteins: surface/interior for H-bond network
- Membrane proteins: surface/inside of channel, H-bond network
Contrast the structure and function of fibrous and globular proteins with the use of examples.
- Fibrous proteins: long fibres/sheets, strong, insoluble in water, structural role, largely one type of 20 structure
- Globular proteins: spherical, delicate, soluble in water, diverse roles (catalysis/storage/immune defence), usually contains both α-helices and ß-sheets
- Ex. myoglobin (non-allosteric, tertiary), haemoglobin (allosteric, quaternary)
Describe the structure and function of myoglobin. How is the Fe ion in the centre bonded to different groups and why?
- Myoglobin: O2 storage proteins in skeletal muscle
- Contains a haem prosthetic group/cofactor where O2 binds
- Has hydrophobic residues inside, hydrophilic residues outsides, prolines mainly in bends
- Fe ion: 6 coordination bonds (4 taken by N atoms, 1 by histidine, leaving one for functional reasons)
- Proximal His bonded to Fe, while distal His not bonded to Fe
- Provides O2 binding site with other functional reasons
Explain how oxygen is bound to the coordinate site in myoglobin and its related elctron transfer process. What is the role of the protein?
- Coordinate site to bind O2: electron density changes around Fe (partial e- transfer to O), making Fe smaller to fit in
- Partial electron transfer from Fe2+ to O2 might give Fe3+ if complete -> O2 released as superoxide
- ∴ Protein prevents this by Fe2+-O=O <-> Fe3+-O-O-
- Role of protein: hosts haem, stop oxidation of iron to ferric form, provides pocket for oxygen binding
Explain how the structure of myoglobin reduces the risk of carbon monoxide poisoning.
- Carbon monoxide: binds strongly to free haem (poison) (∵ very strong dative linear bonds between Fe and C)
- Distal histidine forces a bend (∵ steric hindrance tilts the bond to destabilise the interaction between Fe and C) -> weakens Fe-CO complex to reduce stability
- ∴ Myoglobin binds CO less strongly than free haem (but still can poison)
Explain what is a oxygen dissociation curve and define pO2(torr) and p50 value. What is the unit for oxygen-binding site in myoglobin?
- Oxygen dissociation curve: measure affinity of O2
- pO2(torr): partial pressure of O2 (∝ [O2])
- p50 value: [O2]/pO2 needed to saturate 50% of myoglobin haem
- 1 haem = 1 oxygen-binding site