W7 keratitis Flashcards
Ocular defences:
Lids: physical/flushing
Tear film: IgG/A, lactoferrin, lysozyme
Cornea epith.: immunoglobins (IgG/A) defer microbe adhesion
Mucin: trap microbes
Innate immune: complement protein system
Tight junctions: prevent passage
CL risk of keratitis:
1/proportional to Dk/t value
Least with RGP lenses
From hypoxia reducing epithelial adhesion > CLARE > keratitis
Usually gram- psuedomonas aeruginosa
Antigen-antibody immune response:
Pathogen recognition > neutrophil/machrophage influx > bacterium phagocytosis > stromal infiltrate
Bacterial proteases degrade stroma > stromal loss > corneal perforation
Risk factors for keratitis:
Co-infection (acanthamoeba/HSV)
Blink dysfunction
Immune loss (DM/malnutrition)
Signs/symptoms of bacterial keratitis:
Pain: severe / increasing
Epithelial defect: boggy edges (stromal oedema)
Discharge: mucopurulent
Ant. Chamber response: hypopyon
Location: central, away from limbal vessels
Size: larger than 2mm
Fungal keratitis types:
Mold (filamentous): fuscarium, aspergillus
Yeast: candida albicans
Management of bacterial keratitis:
Fluoroquinolone mono w/ciprofloxacin 0.3%
Q10m for first hour > qhour for 24h > review > qhour for 24h > q2hour
Unresponsive/complex needs referal
Acanthamoeba patho:
Corneal epith. irritation > mannose glycoprotein upregulation > Acan. trophozoites adhere via acanthapodia > protease MIP133 release > epith. Cytolysis > stromal invasion / degregation
Immune neutro/macro. Influx > immune proteases > ring infiltrates
Acan. Cluster nerves > immune/anti-microbial response > form dormant cysts
Fungal keratitis risks
Trauma (esp vegetables)
Biogel formation
Tropical climate
Hydrogel CLs
Acanthamoeba keratitis risks:
Present in water sources
Poor CL use > biofilm build up
Secondary to damage/HSV
Acanthamoeba treatment:
Cease CLs and see ophthal.
Cocktail of polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) with chlorhexidine 0.02% or Brolene 0.15% tapered from hourly>quaterly from 2-6 months
Symptoms of acanthamoeba keratitis:
Severe Pain
Epitheliopathy > Stromal radial infiltrates
Ant. Chamber inflammation
Fungal keratitis patho:
Ahesion following epith. Dysfunction > proteolytic enzyme release > epith. Necrosis > stromal collagen dissolution
^size > poor neutophil phagocytosis
Usually present with bacterial co-infection
Symptoms of fungal keratitis:
Filamentous: feathery infiltrates > ant. Chamber reation (hypopyon)
Yeast: Button infiltrate > epith. Ulcer
HSK treatment:
Self limiting in 3w
Aciclovir 3% ointment 5/day for 2w minimises scarring
Fungal keratitis treatment:
Ophthal referal
Topical natamycin 5% per hour for 24h then qid for months
Paired BS antibiotics prevent co-infection
Never steroids (increase fungal replication)
Symptoms of HSK:
FBS, photophobia, epiphoria, blur, hyperemia
Dendritic lesion
IOP increase (trabeculitis)
Lid HSV vessicles
HSK corneal lesion:
Small opaque epith. Cells > desquamation of central cells > punctate erosions progress/branch
Terminal bulbs contain swolen virus laden cells.
NaFL stains central desquamation
Lissamine stains damaged bulbs
HZO keratitis process:
Varicella zoster initial infection (chickenpox) > rash, flu, pneumonia
VZV moves to dorsal root and cranial nerve ganglia (retrograde transport)
Reactivation > shingles(skin) / HZO(CNV1)
HZO symptoms and treatment:
Punctate epith. Keratitis
Skin rash (nose)
Aciclovir 800mg 5/day for 10d
CL complication patho:
Dt/k more than 87(overnight) or 24(daily) > Poor O2 diffusion > hypoxia > anaerobic metabolism > ATP decrease / lactic acid increase > pH decrease / ion pump loss > oedema / immune loss
Symptoms of CL edema (hypoxia):
Pain, blur, photophobia, tearing
Diffuse epithelial superficial keratopathy
No pain, light blur, endoth. Blebs.
Corneal neovasc:
Vessel presence
CL associate dry eye patho:
CL causes pre-corneal tear film instability > PCTF disruptions > tear thinning > mucin increase > tear osmolarity
Poor CL hydration > dehydration
CL keratopathy staining:
Scattered dots: Dot toxicity
Superior (epith. Arcuate) lesion: tight lid hyopxia (SEALs)
Diffuse spread: CL overwear
3/9 ‘oclock: RGP poor size
Tight lens syndrome:
CL drying > tightening > ocular ahdereance > impaired tear flow > circulation loss > hypoxia with epith. Loss