W6: Lesson 1 Flashcards
What virtue inclines us to give to God and to man what is due to them?
What catechism states that “ The dignity of the human person is rooted in his or her creation in the image and likeness of God. Endowed with the spiritual and immortal soul, intelligence and free will, the human person is ordered to God and called in soul in body to eternal beattitude.”
CCC 1699-1715
It enables us to recognize and understand God’s command to do good and avoid evil.
Human Intellect
It enables us to choose good with the guidance of our conscience and to obey God’s law of love.
Free will
What is the source of CST?
Who stated that the Bible is the foundation of a Judeo-Christian vision of life that discloses the kind of God who is interested in the world, human history, and in the manner in which humans live in society?
Donahue, 2005
What are the justices in the old testament?
Sedakah/sedaqah which means righteousness and Mishpath/mishpat which means to judge
In a biblical sense, this goes beyond personal rectitude of following rules, laws, and commands.
Righteousness (sedakah)
It is characterized not simply as the judgment of God and his capability to punish and reward individuals but it has a social dimension, i.e. God’s governance that places order in society
According to Micah 6:8, what is the Lord requires us to do?
To do justice, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God
Christ’s Active Role in Society
Who stated that Christ as a Teacher, His teachings emphasizes on the ‘persons’ over the law and on the ‘virtues of justice and charity’ over the legal code?
Luke 10:25-37
Christ’s Active Role in Society
What did Christ preaches?
The Kingdom of God
Christ’s Active Role in Society
The kingdom of God calls for?
1.) Metanoia
2.) Conversion which is non-violent
3.) Hopeful preparation for its realization in the future
Christ’s Active Role in Society
It states that Christ heals and liberates people from physical and spiritual illness because His liberation is also a restoration (personal and communal).
Christ as a LIBERATOR
The Early Christian’s Ability to Instruct one another on the Social Involvement
What did the early Christians try to achieve?
1.) Duty to give
2.) Deposits of Piety
3.) Endeavor to establish unity and solidarity
The Early Christian’s Ability to Instruct one another on the Social Involvement
According to the duty to give in Act 2:44-45, 20:35; Tim 6:17-19, who stated that “It is not right for one to live in luxury while others live in want.”
Clement of Alexandria
The Early Christian’s Ability to Instruct one another on the Social Involvement
According to whom, the deposits of piety is used in feeding the needy, in support of youths and maidens destitute of means, and the relief of the shipwrecked.
The Early Christian’s Ability to Instruct one another on the Social Involvement
Who said that early christians endeavor to establish unity and solidarity?
Gal 3:28; Col 3:11
Who is the active agent for social justice?
According to St. Thomas Aquinas, what requires justice which is a “habit whereby man renders to each one his due by a constant and perpetual will.”
Distribution of Wealth
What is the three requirement of Just War according to St. Thomas Aquinas?
Legitimate Authority, Just Cause, Right Intention
According to enlightenment thinkers, what do the Church values during the Middle Ages?
Faith and Obedience which are instruments of ignorance and oppression
What did the Enlightenment Period or Age of Enlightenment change in society?
Emergence of Industrial Revolution and two ideologies of Capitalism and Socialism
When did the Indistrial Revolution happened?
It started parochially in England where new technology arises with the rising of factories, salaried workers, mass production that leads to surplus which results to profit, and the emergence of market and capitalism.
Industrial Revolution
This ideology pushed those who have capital to generate more income or profit to enlarge the initial capitals.
What are the 2 values promoted by capitalism
Social Mobility and Self-Direction
It is the capability to rise from one social status to a better one depending on the effort one exerts
Social Mobility
One’s own future is one’s own responsibility
What is the alternative ideology for capitalism?
True or False (Objections on Capitalism)
The capitalist principle of self-direction and
social mobility are myths and are only true for the rich and able members of the community
True or False (Objections on Capitalism)
Capitalism ignores, tolerates, and even perpetrates unjust situations of the resource distribution: unequal distribution of goods and the gap between the rich and the poor
True or False (Objections on Capitalism)
Capitalism does not endorses the pathology of isolated existence.
What are the alternative principles in socialism?
Common ownership and common good
It is to replace and abolish the concept of private property.
Common ownership
Personal freedom must be replaced by government control that seeks for the implementation of?
Common Good
True or False. The modern CST from 1891-present
The 1st ever encyclical was written becaus eof the new social conditions brought by industrial revolution and the Capitalism and Socialism.
True or False. The modern CST from 1891-present
The term “social doctrine” goes back to Pope Leo XIII and designates the doctrinal “corpus” concerning issues relevant to society.
-Compedium of Social Doctrine of the Church, 87
False; Pope Pius XI
True or False. The modern CST from 1891-present
The Church’s social concern begin with Rerum Novarum.
False; It did not only begin with RN. The Church never failed to show interest in society