What are the two phases of the development of the foetus? Explain embryology
- The development of the foetus is divided into two phases
- Prenatal
- Before birth
- Postnatal
- After birth
- Prenatal
- Embryology is the study of embryos and foetuses
- Prenatal development
- Embryonic period - fertilisation until the end of the 8th week
- Placenta develops
- All major adult organs are formed (gastrulation and organogenesis)
- Foetal period - 9th week until birth
- Growth and development
- Embryonic period - fertilisation until the end of the 8th week
- Prenatal development
How long is an oocyte viable for? What is the duration of pregnancy?
- An oocyte is viable for 12-24 hours after ovulation
- Most sperm retain fertilisation power for 24-48 hours after ejaculation
- Thus, coitus must occur no more than 2 days before ovulation and not later than 24 hours after for fertilisation to occur
- Need to allow 4-6 hours for sperm transport and capacitation
- At the optimal time, the oocyte is about 1/3 of the way down the length of the uterine tube
- Ovum retained in the ampulla of the uterine tube - allows time for uterine lining to be adequately prepared by progesterone from the luteal phase of the ovarian cycle
- Pregnancy will take approximately 38 weeks (266 days) form zygote to birth - spread over three trimesters
- The due date for birth is calculated from 4 weeks from the first day of the last normal menstrual period (LNMP)
- 40 weeks (280 days or 9 months plus 7 days)
What is the clinical significance of embryology?
- Clinical significance
- Pre-implantation developmental abnormalities
- Failure to implant within the uterus - failed or ectopic pregnancy
- Reason for most problems in pregnancy
- Severe embryonic period abnormalities
- Teratogen exposure and infection during week 1-8 - neural tube and other defects
- Often quite severe - disrupts organ system development
- Teratogen exposure and infection during week 1-8 - neural tube and other defects
- Foetal period developmental abnormalities
- Malformation or mechanical abnormalities - talipes
- Pre-implantation developmental abnormalities
- Important to know the developmental point of the embryo/foetus so that the effects of the trauma can be more accurately identified
What are some reasons why sperm may not reach the oocyte?
- Main reasons
- Fall out of vagina
- Trapped in crypts, glands and mucus
- Run out of energy
- Destroyed by environment (Acidic nature of the vagina)
- Incapable of fertilisation due to abnormal shape/reduced motility
- Do not pass down the correct fallopian tube
- Only a few thousand make it into the uterine tube
Explain the week 1 events of embryo development
- Fertilisation
- Cleavage and blastocyst formation
- Blastocyst begins to implant in endometrium
Explain the process of sperm capacitation
- Freshly ejaculated sperm cannot immediately fertilise the oocyte
- They need to spend several hours in the female reproductive tract to attain a capacity to fertilise
- Their motility must be enhanced through the cervical mucus, uterus and uterine tubes
- Oestrogen and vaginal mucus destabilise the sperm plasma membrane and trigger hyperactive motility
- The process involves
- Removal of the protein coating acquired in the epididymis
- Reorganisation of plasma membrane to expose binding sites
- This prevents the spilling of acrosomal enzymes
- Fragile acrosomal membranes could rupture prematurely in the male reproductive tract, causing some degree of autolysis of male reproductive organs
- The sperm appear to “sniff” their way to the oocyte - olfactory receptors that respond to chemical stimuli
- Oocyte and surrounding cells release signalling molecules that direct the sperm
- Capacitation - secretions from the female tract and oestrogens weaken the sperm’s protective protein coat acquired in the epididymis
- Reorganisation of plasma membrane to expose binding sites and hypermotility is triggered
Explain the acrosome reaction
- Swelling of the acrosome and fusion of the outer acrosomal membrane with overlying plasma membrane
- Calcium-dependent event
- Increase intracellular Ca2+ and cAMP
- Stimulated by progesterone and a protein (ZP3) on the zona pellucida that surrounds the oocyte
- Release of digestive enzymes from the acrosome
- Hyaluronidase - cumulus cell penetration
- Acrosin - zona pellucida digestion
- Acrosome-reacted sperm have a very short lifespan
- Process
- Once in the vicinity of the oocyte, sperm weaves its way through the cells of the corona radiata, assisted by cell-surface hyaluronidase on the sperm - digests the cement between the granulosa cells in the area
- After breaching the corona, the sperm head binds to ZP3 of the zona pellucida (functions as a sperm receptor)
- The binding, and progesterone, opens Ca2+ channels, leading to a rise in Ca2+ inside the sperm which triggers the acrosomal reaction
- Acrosomal reaction - release of acrosomal enzymes that digests holes in the zona pellucida
- Single sperm can fertilise the egg and penetrate the zona pellucida
- Once the path is cleared, the sperms tail gyrates, forcing the sperm’s head to move towards the oocyte membrane
- Sperm’s post-acrosomal “collar” binds the oocyte’s plasma membrane receptors causing
- Oocyte to form microvilli that surround the sperm head, and the sperm and oocyte membranes fuse
- Cytoplasmic contents of the sperm enter the oocyte, leaving the sperm’s plasma membrane behind
- Gametes fuse together with perfect contact, causing the contents of both cells to combine within a single membrane - all without spilling
Explain the process of fertilisation
- Capacitation
- Oestrogen/mucus destabilise sperm plasma membrane and cause hyperactive motility
- Acrosome reaction
- Progesterone and binding to ZP3 causes increase Ca2+ and release of digestive enzymes from sperm
- Fertilisation
- Sperm digests zona, binds to sperm-binding receptor and fuses with oocyte plasma membrane
- Polyspermy block
- Fusion causes increase Ca2+ and electrical block of oocyte plasma membrane (fast block), then cortical granule release which hardens the zona and removes sperm-binding receptors (slow block)
Explain the polyspermy block
- Once sperm has entered the oocyte, Ca2+ is released in waves by the endoplasmic reticulum into the cytoplasm
- Activated oocyte to prepare for 2nd meiotic division
- Cortical reaction - granules located just inside the plasma membrane spill their enzymes into the extracellular space beneath the zona pellucida - zonal inhibiting proteins
- Destroys the sperm receptors, preventing any more sperm from entering
- Spilled material binds to water, and as the material swells and hardens, it detaches all sperm still bound to the receptors on the oocyte membrane, completing the slow block
- Electrical block - attachment of a sperm to ovum surface induces membrane depolarisation and increased permeability to Ca2+, triggering an electrical block on the surface of the ovum, preventing the fusion of other sperm
Explain the completion of meiosis II and fertilisation
- Sperm loses its plasma membrane as the cytoplasmic contents of the sperm enter the oocyte
- The centrosome elaborates microtubules from its midpiece, which are used by the sperm to locomote its DNA-rich nucleus toward the oocyte nucleus
- During this, the nucleus swells to about 5 times the normal size to form the male pronucleus
- The secondary oocyte (activated from its semidormant state by the Ca2+ influx) completes meiosis II, forming the ovum nucleus and 2nd polar body
- Accomplished ovum nucleus swells, becoming the female pronucleus and the two pronuclei approach each other
- Syngamy - the two pronuclei come together to form the zygote
- As the mitotic spindle develops between them, the pronuclei membranes rupture, releasing their chromosomes together into the immediate vicinity of the newly formed spindle
- Almost as soon as the male and female pronuclei come together, their chromosomes replicate
- Zygote is now ready to undergo the first mitotic division of the conceptus
Explain the pre-implantation development process
- Zygote - the fertilised egg
- 4-cell stage - day 2
- Morula - solid ball of blastomeres - day 3
- Early blastocyst - morula hollows out, fills with fluid and “hatches” from the zona pellucida - day 4-5
- Implanting blastocyst - consists of a sphere of trophoblast cells and an eccentric cell cluster called the inner cell mass - day 7
What are the stages of pre-implantation?
- Cleavage stage - 2-8 cells
- Totipotent blastomeres (has not undergone differentiation; generate complete individual including placenta)
- Period of fairly rapid mitotic divisions of the zygote without intervening growth (increase in cell number without increase in cell size)
- Goal - to produce small cells with a high surface-to-volume ratio - enhances their uptake of nutrients and oxygen and disposal of wastes
- Provides a large number of cells to serve as building blocks for constructing the embryo
- About 36 hours after fertilisation - the first cleavage division of the zygote produces two identical daughter cells - blastomeres
- Morula stage - 16-32 cells
- Inner and outer cell populations formed (beginning of differentiation)
- Determines the future fate of the cells
- Gap junctions between inner cells
- Tight junctions between outer cells
- By 72 hours, a loose collection of cells that form a berry-shaped cluster of 16-32 cells called the morula has been formed
- Transport of the embryo continues towards the uterus
- Na+ pumped into the morula - influx of water
- Inner and outer cell populations formed (beginning of differentiation)
- Blastocyst stage - >64 cells
- First cell differentiation event (trophectoderm and inner cell mass formation)
- Pluripotent inner cell mass (generate complete individual excluding placenta)
- Accumulating fluid, floating free in the uterus
- Rapid growth and enzymes - hatching from the zona pellucida - zona pellucida starts to crack due to the swelling blastocyst, blastocyst “hatches” from it
- Blastocyst now a fluid-filled hollow space composed of a single layer of large, flattened cells called trophoblast cells and a small cluster of 20-30 rounded cells called the inner cell mass
- Increase in CDX2 in outer cells - trophectoderm differentiation
- Increase in OCT4 in inner cells - inner cell mass differentiation
Explain the week 2 events of embryo development
- Implantation completed
- Placenta and extraembryonic membranes begin development
- Development of inner cell mass proceeds
Explain the process of implantation
- Adherence (day 6)
- Protein-mediated binding of trophoblasts to endometrium
- Outer trophoblasts mediate the process
- Digestive enzymes from trophoblasts erode the endometrial layer - it embeds itself
- Implants high on the uterine wall - if the endometrium is not optimally mature, the blastocyst detaches and floats to a lower level with proper receptors and chemical signals
- Higher = better (thick endometrium and myometrium)
- Secretion of hormones and proteolytic enzymes from blastocyst causing the neighbouring endometrial cells to degenerate
- Implants high on the uterine wall - if the endometrium is not optimally mature, the blastocyst detaches and floats to a lower level with proper receptors and chemical signals
- Protein-mediated binding of trophoblasts to endometrium
- Endometrium quickly thickens at the point of contact and takes on characteristics of acute inflammatory response
- Invasion (day 7)
- Trophoblast grows to form cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast
- Cytotrophoblast - cell in inner layer retain their cell boundaries
- Syncytiotrophoblast - loose plasma membranes and form multinuclear cytoplasmic mass - these cells digest and invade the endometrium
- Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is produced for the first time
- Trophoblast grows to form cytotrophoblast and syncytiotrophoblast
- Completion (day 12)
- Blastocyst enveloped by endometrium
- Endometrium is eroded so the blastocyst can burrow in
- Endometrial cells proliferate to cover and seal the implanted blastocyst
- Syncytiotrophoblast secretes hCG - directly stimulates the corpus luteum to produce progesterone (maintains the pregnancy for 8-12 weeks)
- Maintains secretion of oestrogens and progesterone
- Oestrogen stimulates prostaglandins from the endometrium of the uterus - increases vascular permeability and swelling of the endometrium
- Blastocyst enveloped by endometrium
What is the bilaminar embryonic disc and extraembryonic membranes?
- Inner cell mass differentiates into an epiblast and hypoblast
- Fluid-filled cavities form in epiblast (amnion) and hypoblast (yolk sac) - bilaminar embryonic disc (contains epiblast on the top and hypoblast on the bottom)
- Out-pocket hypoblast cells form allantois (early base of the umbilical cord)
- Beginning of the placenta
- Extra-embryonic mesoderm, cytotrophoblasts and syncytiotrophoblasts form chorion and chorionic villi - beginning of foetal placenta
Explain the function of extraembryonic membranes
- Amnion
- Prevents physical trauma, maintains temperature, avoids embryonic structure fusing, permits movement
- Yolk sac
- Brief nutrient support, part of future gut, source of early blood cells and vessels
- Allantois
- Forms base of umbilical cord
- Chorion and chorionic villi
- With maternal decidua forms true placenta
Explain the week 3 events of embryo development
- Appearance of the primitive streak
- Gastrulation - formation of three primary germ layers
What is the primitive streak?
- Midline groove (primitive streak) forms along caudal end of bilaminar embryonic disc
- Primitive streak establishes longitudinal body axis (head and tail) of embryo
- Epiblast cells migrate medially across the other cells and enter the primitive streak
- First cells to enter the groove displace the hypoblast cells and form the more inferior layer (endoderm)
- The next ones push laterally between the cells at the upper and lower surfaces (mesoderm)
- Once the mesoderm is formed, the mesodermal cells immediately beneath the streak aggregate - form a rod of mesodermal cells called the notochord (first axial support of embryo)
- Remaining cells on the dorsal surface form the ectoderm
Explain the process of gastrulation
- Two layered embryonic disc transforms into a three-layered embryo in which the primary germ layers are present
- Ectoderm
- Remaining epiblast
- Mesoderm
- Fill the middle-layer of the embryo
- Endoderm
- Displace cells of hypoblast
- Ectoderm
Explain the week 4-8 events of embryo development
- Differentiation of ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
- Organogenesis - formation of organ system
Describe the differentiation of the three primary germ layers
- All adult tissues are derived from the ectoderm, mesoderm and endoderm
- Each layer has a pre-established “fate”
- Ectoderm
- Nervous system, skin epidermis
- Mesoderm
- Most blood vessels, connective tissues, bone and muscle
- Endoderm
- Epithelial linings and associated glands of the digestive, respiratory and urogenital systems
- Ectoderm
What are the ectoderm derivatives?
- Forms
- Epithelium - skin, hair, nails, sensory epithelium, pituitary gland
- Connective tissue - bones and blood vessels of the head
- Nervous system - brain, spinal cord, peripheral nervous system
- Neurulation - differentiation of ectoderm that produces the brain and spinal cord
- Induced by chemical signals from the notochord
- Ectoderm overlying the notochord thickens forming the neural plate
- Ectoderm starts to fold inward as a neural groove, forming neural folds as it deepens
- By day 22, the superior margins of the neural folds fuse, forming a neural tube which pinches off from the ectodermal layer and becomes covered by surface ectoderm
- Induced by chemical signals from the notochord
- By the end of 4 weeks, the three primary brain vesicles (prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon) are present
What are the mesoderm derivatives?
- Forms
- Epithelium - serous membranes, kidney, gonads, ducts
- Connective tissue - bone, cartilage, connective tissue proper
- Muscle - cardiac, skeletal, smooth
- Differentiation
- First evidence is the appearance of the notochord
- Eventually replaced by vertebral column
- Three mesodermal aggregates appear on either side of the notochord - somites
- On the side of these are small clusters of segmented “intermediate” mesoderm, then double sheets of lateral plate mesoderm
- First evidence is the appearance of the notochord
- Somites
- Sclerotome - cells migrate medially and gather around the notochord and neural tube, producing the vertebra and rib at each level
- Dermatome - cells help for the dermis of the skin in the dorsal part of the body
- Myotome - cells develop in conjunction with the vertebrae to form the skeletal muscle of the neck, body trunk and limb buds (later muscles of the limbs)
- Intermediate mesoderm - gonads and kidneys
- Lateral plate mesoderm
- Paired mesodermal plates - somatic mesoderm (skin dermis, parietal serosa lining the ventral body cavity and most tissue of the limbs) and more inferior splanchnic mesoderm
- Provides mesenchymal cells that form the heart and blood vessels and most connective tissue of the body (almost the entire wall of the digestive and respiratory organs)
- Cooperate to form the serosae of the coelom or ventral body cavity
- Paired mesodermal plates - somatic mesoderm (skin dermis, parietal serosa lining the ventral body cavity and most tissue of the limbs) and more inferior splanchnic mesoderm
What are the endoderm derivatives?
- Forms
- Epithelium - lungs, gastro-intestinal lining, gall bladder, pancreas, urinary tract lining
- Organs of the gastrointestinal tract (pharynx, oesophagus, etc)
Explain the process of foetal development
- Foetal period (week 9 to birth)
- Rapid growth and weight gain after this time
- From 22mm (2g) to 55mm (3.2kg)
- Bones begin to ossify, and skeletal muscles are well formed and contracting spontaneously (movements felt by mother - 5th month)
- Further differentiation and refinement of body structures is required
- Blood delivery to and from the placenta via the umbilical vessel is constant and efficient
- Heart and liver are competing for space and form the conspicuous bulge on the ventral surface of the embryo’s body
- Survival if born prematurely after 27-28 weeks