W4 - Hyperbaria Flashcards
What are the two forces that produce increased external pressure (hyperbaria) in diving?
Hydrostatic Pressure - weight of water above diver. Weight of atmosphere (ata/ bar) at water’s surface
How much force does each 10m of seawater exert?
1 ata, therefore diver experiences 2 ata (1 seawater 1 air at surface)
What is Boyle’s Law?
at constant temperature, the volume of a given mass of gas varies inversely with pressure. When pressure doubles, volume halves; conversely, reducing pressure by one half expands any gas volume to twice its previous size, producing a curvilinear relation between lung volume at the surface and depth in seawater
What does Boyles Law mean for scuba divers?
If they hold their breath there’s an increased chance of pneumothorax
6-L lung volume at a 10-m depth expands to 12 L at the water’s surface
What are the 2 factors the limit snorkel size?
Increased hydro pressure on lungs, even at 1m inspiratory muscles cannot overcome external pressure. Note: Air under pressure from an external source to promote inspiratory action counter- acts the external hydrostatic force. Increased pulmonary dead space ((the volume of air that is inhaled that does not take part in the gas exchange) by enlarging the snorkel’s volume
What does the duration of a breath hold dive depend upon?
Breath-hold duration until arterial carbon dioxide pres- sure reaches the breath-hold breakpoint
2. Relationship between a diver’s total lung capacity (TLC) and residual lung volume (RLV)
What happens during the breath hold response?
Oxygen is utilised, PO2 drops (60mmHg) PCO2 increases (50mmHg)
Chemoreceptors: breathe!
What are the benefits and costs of hyperventialting before a breath hold dive?
A skin diver hyperventi- lates at the surface before a dive to reduce arterial Pco2 to augment breath-hold duration. The diver now takes a full inhalation and descends beneath the water. Alveolar oxy- gen continually moves into the blood for delivery to active muscles. Owing to previous hyperventilation, arterial car- bon dioxide levels remain low, freeing the diver from the urge to breathe. Concurrently, as the diver swims deeper, external water pressure compresses the thorax,increasing gas pressure within this cavity. Increased intrathoracic pres- sure maintains a relatively high alveolar Po2. Even though absolute alveolar oxygen quantity decreases as oxygen moves into the blood during the dive, Po2 continually loads hemo- globin as the dive progresses. When the diver senses the need to breathe from carbon dioxide buildup and begins to ascend,reversalsoccurinintrathoracicpressure.Aswater pressureonthethoraxdecreaseswithascent,lungvolume expands and alveolar Po2 decreases to a level where no gra- dient exists for oxygen diffusion into arterial blood. This places the diver in a hypoxic state. Near the surface, alveo- lar Po2 reaches levels so low that dissolved oxygen diffuses from venous blood returning to the lungs and flows into the alveoli; this causes the diver to suddenly lose consciousness before surfacing.
What ratio of divers Total Lung Capacity to Relative Lung Capacity (RLC) generally determins the depth before lung squeeze?
Total maximum lung volume (4-6L). However Lung volume can decrease to residual volume (remaining air after forceful expiration (1-1.2L)). Below this problems can occur. As a result depth limit determined by total lung volume to residual volume ratio: TLC/RV
For example, for a diver with a 6.0-L TLC and a 1.5-L RLV, Boyle’s law pre- dicts that TLC would compress to RLV at 30 m or 4 ata exter- nal pressure (4:1)
What are the 4 different responses to the diving reflex (what humans do when immersed in water)?
- Bradycardia (<hr>
Immersion increases venous return - why?
In water body orientation less likely to be upright. Systems used on surface (valves) less useful.
Can autonomic conflict occur as a result of cold water immersion?
Simultaneous ANS (cold shock response, attempted breath hold > tachychardia) and PNS (diving reflex > bradychardia) stimulation which can cause arrhythmia
What are the CV responses to Head-out water immersion (hydrostatic pressure to lower body):?
Head-out water immersion (hydrostatic pressure to lower body):
• ↓blood pooling in legs (because of venous return)
• ↑venous return
• ↑stroke volume
• ↓heart rate(~10-12beats/min lower than in air, doesn’t need to work as hard)
• ↓cardiac strain
• ↑plasma volume. Part of reason hydrostatic treatments used with CV patients
What happens to the spleen during immersion?
• Storage of oxygen-rich red blood cells
• Diving/Hyperbaria/Facial immersion/ Peripheral vasoconstriction triggers release:
> Contractionofthespleen
• Ejects oxygen-rich red blood cells into the blood supply. Bajau bigger spleen
What are the two basic scuba designs?
- Common open-circuit system
- closed-circuit system