W4: Audition Flashcards
Auditory information surrounding the body can be sensed (unlike vision as field of view is only in front)
Sound stimuli (e.g. language and music) is important to communication - loss of audition limits communication abilities and enhances risk of injury from hazards out of view.
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus
Sound: is the pressure waves transferred by air molecules, caused from vibrating surface *sound waves constantly travel 335m/s
Compressions: positive component of cycle where pressure compresses air molecules
Rarefactions: negative component of cycle where pressure decreases, expanding molecules
Longitudinal waves
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus
air pressure wave in which particles “vibrate back and forth in the same direction as the wave” (e.g. wave created by gongs)
Sine wave/pure tone waveform
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Simple Waves
simplest wave with even variation of pressure amongst compressions and rarefactions (e.g. pure tone of tuning fork) R&C = same size/angle
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Simple Waves
“Graphs pressure changes over time” aka sine wave.
Wave Cycle
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Simple Waves
“A single alternation between compression and rarefaction”
3 important features of sinusodal variation in sound pressure levels
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Simple Waves
frequency, amplitude and phase
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Simple Waves
no. of wave cycles/second, described in hertz (Hz).
Freq. perceived as pitch (low freq = deep bass/low pitch, high freq = high treble pitch)
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Simple Waves
“max height of wave/amnt of change in pressure” perceived as loudness
Decibel (dB): describes amplitude.
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Simple Waves
indicates specific point in waveform, describes in degrees. Perceived as quality of sound/timbre (the harmonic frequencies which make sounds distinct from one another - what makes an instrument sound like the instrument every time it is played)
360 degrees of phase = 1 cycle; 0 degrees = resting point of wave; 90 degrees = top of compression wave; 270 degrees = bottom of rarefaction wave
Phase influences two waves interactions: “two superimposed waves have similar phase values” heighten each other; waves differing by 180 degrees cancel each other.
Phase describes timing of two sine waves in complex wave: ‘when one is ahead, (wave w/ smaller phase value leads).
Complex Waves
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
is the result of many sine waves added together. Form is determined by the sinusoidal components (amp, freq, phase) of the individual pure tones
Fundamental Frequency
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
pure tone with lowest frequency, which dictates pitch/note or chord of a sound (FF and pitch are pos related)
Harmonic Frequency
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
refers to the rest of the higher frequency sine waves (which are multiples of FF) within a complex wave. Along with FF’s pitch, HF dictates the timbre/quality of sound (timbre is characteristic sound - what makes a piano sound the same every time and different from other instruments).
numbered by distance from fundamental frequency (e.g. “fifth harmonic is 5x higher than fundamental frequency”).
*”diff instruments playing note at same pitch/FF sound different due to difference in HF/timbre
UNDERSTAND THIS: “Many natural sounds are not periodic, and do not contain a harmonic series of frequency components. Instead they contain a continuous “spectrum” of components in which all frequencies are represented. The particular amplitudes and phases of these components determine the overall form of the complex wave representing the sound.”
Foureir Theory
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
theory that explains the procedure of fourier analysis
Foureir Analysis
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
procedure which separates complex soundwaves into its frequency (pure tone) components
Foureir Synthesis
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
is the process of combining the components of the fourier and phase spectrum in order to reproduce the original signal.
Foureir/Magnitude Spectrum
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
“A representation of the magnitude of individual frequency components present in a signal such as a sound wave” - info about amplitude
Phase Spectrum
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
“A representation of the phases of (a sine waves) individual frequency components present in a complex signal.”
*phase and fourier spectrum together represent the original signal.
Foureir/Frequency components
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
individual sine waves that together make a complex waveform
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
‘represents changes in the signals freq content over time.’ Short periods of time in windows makes it hard to distinguish components of freq (like resolution, can only get 100hz resolution in 10 ms window) - “Spectrograms therefore must trade off their ability to resolve variations over time (using wideband spectrograms) with their ability to resolve variations over frequency”
Amplitude/loudness: represented by the darkness of the plot
Frequency/pitch: is on vertical axis
Time: is on horizontal axis
Auditory/Foureir Filters
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
are mediums or transmitting devices which filter acoustic signals of certain frequencies by altering their amplitude (e.g. A head filters the higher freq components, only allowing the low freq components of the signal to pass through).
Low-Pass Filters: only allow lower freq in (before cutoff) - attenuates higher freq (e.g. head, bass knob on amp)
High-Pass Filter: only allow high freq in (after cutoff) - attenuates lower freq. (e.g. treble knob on amp)
Band-Pass Filter/Frequency Bands: only allow frequencies within a certain range/band (e.g. many parts of ear) Bandwidth = frequency range for band-pass filters/freq bands
Linear systems theory/3 rules of linear filters
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
Output must only contain frequencies present at input, nothing more. Amplitude and phase may alter.
“If the amplitude of the input to the filter is changed by a certain factor, then the output should change by the same factor.”
‘Output of two inputs applied simultaneously should match the output of inputs applied separately and summed’
non-linear filter
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
filter that doesn’t obey all three rules. “it distorts signals by adding new frequencies or by failing to respond at very low or high amplitudes.” makes it hard to predict response. Tools based on the linear systems theory can be used to locate the nonlinear parts of the auditory system and the nature of them.
Ear as a Foureir Analyzer
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
appears as a fourier analyzer since the auditory nerve fibres encode input sounds by phase, intensity (encoded in fibers activity) and frequency (w/ frequency-to-place conversion on BM). BUT it does not follow the linear systems theory:
No new freq component. if two tones w/ different frequencies stimulate BM, third distorted frequency can occur
Input and output proportionate.BUT BM displacement is nonlinear: Cochlear amplifies
‘Output of two inputs applied simultaneously should match the output of inputs applied separately and summed’. BUT two-tone suppression:
Two-tone suppression: “Suppression of an auditory nerve fiber’s response to a tone during presentation of a second tone.” When the second tone lies outside the fibers dynamic range.
*foureir analysis can still be applied to the auditory neural impulse thats sent to the brain
two-tone suppression
Audition: Physics/Biology: Stimulus: Complex Waves
“Suppression of an auditory nerve fiber’s response to a tone during presentation of a second tone.” When the second tone lies outside the fibers dynamic range.
Peripheral Auditory system
Audition: Physiology
(incl. outer, middle and inner ear) detects/interprets sound pressure waves. Outer ear is only visible part. Inner ear creates and transfers neural responses to the central auditory system (“population of neurons in brainstem and cerebral cortex” ). Peripheral system is well understood, less understood is how the central auditory system converts the neural response into auditory perception.
Outer ear:
Audition: Physiology
(incl pinna, meatus and ear canal) detects and transfers energy down ear canal
Audition: Physiology: outer ear
shapes and ridges create reflections which are used as comparison stimuli to create monaural cues to detect the location of sound along a vertical plane.
immobile “flexible flap” consisting of cartilage and ligaments and muscles which connect the ear to the skull. shapes and ridges create reflections which are used as comparison stimuli to create monaural cues to detect the location of sound along a vertical plane.
Audition: Physiology: outer ear
opening of the ear which sends soundwaves down the ear canal
ear canal
Audition: Physiology: outer ear
carries sound pressure waves through ear. Consists of the tympanic membrane/ear drum
Audition: Physiology: outer ear
Concha: inner funnel/”bowl-shape” structure of outer ear
Influence of pinna, concha and ear canals size and shape
Audition: Physiology: outer ear
“Amplifying sound pressure for medium frequencies between 1500 and 7000 Hz” “Folds of pinna (acoustic filter) attenuates high frequency sound components”
middle ear
Audition: Physiology: Mid ear
“The air-filled cavity” housing ossicles and “associated supporting structures” which sends soundwaves from the eardum/tympanic membrane to the oval window of the cochlea (via impedance matching - which makes mid ear a linear transmitter)
Audition: Physiology: Mid ear:
Ossicles: three bones in middle ear; connecting TM/eardrum to cochlea, and “maximise transmission of sound from air pressure waves of outer ear to fluids in inner ear” - impedance match
Malleus: “head” connects to TM/eardrum, “handle” connects to incus
Stapes: (smallest bone in body) connects to the incus and oval window of the cochlea - it pushes in and out to send vibrations through/displace to the fluids in the labyrinth (perilymph) and the inner ear (endolymph)
Estachian Tube: connects mid-ear chamber to the nasal cavity to control air pressure within the chamber by draining the fluids created by T.M.
Oval Window: “membrane-covered opening of the cochlea” connects stapes to cochlea. This window gives flexibility to the ossicles in order to send vibrations through the perilymph, displacing the endolymph/fluid within the inner ear/cochlea
Acoustic Impendance
Audition: Physiology: Mid ear:
“The degree of resistance offered by a medium (air or fluid) to an oscillating signal… air and fluid differ by acoustic impedance” why the middle ears job is to “maximise transmission of sound pressure waves of outer to inner ear” by applying impedance matching
impendance matching
Audition: Physiology: Mid ear:
“The boost in pressure at the oval window provided by the mechanical properties of the middle ear, it matches up the differing acoustic impedances of air and inner-ear fluid.” (air in ™ has lower acoustic impedance, oval window = higher acoustic impedance due to fluid in cochlea)
Ways that Middle Ear do Impedance Matching
Audition: Physiology: Mid ear
Ways that Middle Ear do Impedance Matching:
The force/unit area of stapes is significantly higher than T.M’s (as stapes area is 17 times smaller) therefore creating a large force onto the oval window
Ossicles boost mechanical force at T.M
*”together they increase pressure by 33 dB SPL.”
Inner Ear
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear
“The fluid-filled organ lying in the temporal bone, containing mechanoreceptors for hearing and balance.”
considered to be an “inertial guidance system, acoustic amplifier, and frequency analyzer”. Vestibular organ senses body movement and position.
Cochlea is the auditory sense organ which converts sound pressure waves into neural impulses.
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear
auditory sense organ in which mechanoreceptors convert sound pressure waves into neural impulses. In the shape of a coiled tube (10mm diameter, 34mm long), which minimizes space, “maximises the supply of blood and nerves, and boosts its response to low frequency sounds” The tube is divided into three chambers - the scala vestibuli and scala tympani which is separated by the scala media located within the cochlear partition.
Scala Vestibuli
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea
first tube of cochlear which includes the oval window.
Scala Tympani
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea
at the end of the cochlear with a round window
Scala Media
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea
separated vestibuli and tympani, located within the cochlear partition
Cochlear Partition
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea
includes SM and BM; and separates SV and ST
Basilar Membrane
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea
located in cochlear partition, which has hair cells and mechanoreceptors. Part of organ of corti.
Mechanical Properties of Cochlea
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: CochleaT.M. transfers sound vibrations to stapes - “stapes push back and forth on oval window at same freq. As sound wave” - stapes hitting oval window - displaces scala vestibulis fluid = traveling wave down BM - transfer pressure to scala media - displaces cochlear partition - transfer vibrations to scala tympani - deforms BM
*pressure is sent through chambers when stapes pulls back from oval window
Traveling waves
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: Mechanical Properties
caused by displacement of BM when sound waves hit oval window. wave travels through the part of BM with max displacement. Starts at basal end of membrane to the apical end
Frequency-to-place conversion
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: Mechanical Properties
cochlear fluid displacement = vibrations along BM. vibrations freq determines location of max displacement (low freq near apical end (wider/flexible), high freq near basal end near staped (narrow/stiff) - how cochlear codes freq.) - location codes freq.
Sharp frequency tuning of auditory filters in BM
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: Mechanical Properties
a small band of frequencies cause max displacement - similar frequencies require much more sound to create the same amount of displacement.
Linearity of basilar membrane displacement
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: Mechanical Properties
at extremely high or low amplitudes, amplitude of BM doubles when amplitude of input wave does
When two pure sinusodal tones with vastly different frequencies enter the membrane together, their separate locations of displacement should match their frequencies (if close in freq, creates one larger nonsinusodal displacement)
Organ of Corti
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea
part of cochlear partition. Includes stereocilia between BM and T.M
Tectorial membrane
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea
flexible structure above the BM. holds other stereocilia
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: mechanoreceptors
mechanoreceptors/sensory hair cells that are organised into four neat rows along the BM. one row is inside the cochlear spiral, the other rows are closer to the outside of spiral
Inner Hair Cells
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: mechanoreceptors
“The mechanoreceptors on the basilar membrane that provide afferent signals to the auditory system when the membrane is displaced.”
a row of approx. 3500 hair cells that are located inside the cochlear spiral, along BM
Conveys most sensory info on sound. “The base of each inner hair cell makes synaptic contact with (10) afferent fibers of the auditory nerve. = 90-95% of afferent fibres”
Fluid displacement makes BM vibrate = shearing motion > deflects inner hair cells stereocilia = inner hair cell base sends an electric impulse to afferent fibers which carry impulse to brain
BM moves twrds T.M = Displace twrd tallest stereocilia = depolarized hair cell that sterocilia is embedded into = release neurotransmitter = voltage increase = electrical impulse
BM away from T.M = Displace twrd smallest stereocilia = hyperpolarized cell = voltage decrease
small displacements cause enough potential to reach the threshold of hearing. Transduction can happen within 10 microseconds
Outer Hair Cells
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: mechanoreceptors
“Motile hair cells spanning the gap between the basilar membrane and tectorial membrane; they control the mechanical coupling between the two membranes. (MC: amplifies inner hair cells and BM response)” three rows of 12000 hair cells, close to outside spiral.
Motile response/changing length: either by contracting from proteins in the cell when stereocilia is displaced or by “receiving effervent stimulation from the cochlea nerve” efferent fibres send signals to cochlea from central auditory system. *”this increases BM’s mechanical sensitivity and narrow freq response”
*fluid vibrations that displace the BM, displace the tectorial membrane - displacing inner hair cells in fluid, and displacing tips of outer hair cells through the motion of the membranes
Sound frequency coding in the auditory nerve
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: Sound Freq. Coding (Aud nerve)
“intracellular resting potential of hair cells is –70 mV.”
Hair cells are depolarized/increased voltage when BM moves towards T.M, cells are hyperpolarised as BM moves away from ™.
^ depolarized cells release neurotransmitters
Phase Locking:
Audition: Physiology: Inner ear: Cochlea: Sound Freq. Coding (Aud nerve)
“The firing of hair cells in synchrony with the variation of pressure in a sound wave (during positive phase)” - for low freq. Waves
Sound freq. Higher than 1kHz = auditory nerve fibres cannot fire at every cycle but still phase-locked. Phase locking stops at 4-5 kHz
Ways to encode freq. Of sound waves as they enter ear