what is Monozygotic twins?
(identical) twins
o Formed from a single fertilized egg o Share % 100 of their genes
o Share the same genetic structure
what is Dizygotic (fraternal) twins?
o Come from two separate eggs fertilized by
two different sperm cells
o Share % 50 of their genes
o Not genetically identical, similar to siblings
what is the difference between biological and adoptive parents when it comes to genetic similarities?
Genetic similarity is 50 % of the biological parents
and the is no genetic similarity with adoptive parents
what is the Genotype?
An individual’s genetic information e.g., all genetic codes
what is the Phenotype?
An individual’s directly observable characteristics e.g., weight, height, eye colour etc.
what are chromosomes?
structures within the cells that store and transmit genetic information
what is the DNA?
the chemical substance that makes up chromosomes
what is a gene?
-Segment of DNA along the length of the chromosome
-Contain the genetic information transmitted from a parent to a child
• A code that influence some aspect of a structure of function of the body
what are polymorphic genes?
o Genes with more than one version o Created by mutations
o Explain individual differences
• ex. The gene determining your eye color: blue, brown
what is the difference between dominant and recessive genes?
o A dominant gene reveals its traits when it is present
o A recessive gene reveals its traits only in the absence of a dominant gene
• Blue eyes, light hair, normal vision, freckles
what is polygenic?
Behaviors/traits controlled by a large number of genes
o Intelligence and personality traits
when does Choromosomal abnormalities occur?
Damaged or malformed choromosomes —abnormal traits/behaviors
o i.e. Down syndrome (mental retardation, physical irregularities)àan additional 21st choromosome