W3 - Historical Ciphers Flashcards
Caesar Cipher
Shift 3 places down
Mono-alphabetic substitution Cipher
Permutation if a finite set S of elements. Mapping each letter to a distinct letter
Homophonic Substitution Cipher
Each letter mapped to a set of different series of letters
Playfair Cipher
5x5 matrix
Fill with key (w/out doubles)
Fill in alphabetic order
Intersect (row of first priority)
Polyalphabetic Substitution Cipher
Use different monoalphabetic substitutions as you encrypt text (e.g. Vigenere)
Vigenere Cipher
parse plaintext and key
Add each p_i with k_i (mod 26)
Vernam Cipher
p_i ⊕ k_i
Rail Fence Cipher (Zig-Zag)
Write the plaintext as diagonals. Key = depth
Cardano Grille
Use a mask (“grille”) with precut holes. Example of stenography (hiding a message in another)
Rotating (turning) grille
6x6 grid
9 holes
Write then rotate 90°
Columnar Transposition Cipher
Write message in a rectangles. Key = order columns should be read
Multistage columnar Transposition Cipher
Perform Columnar Transposition more than one stage
Substitution Permutation Networks (SPN)
- Blocks length l
- Sub
- Perm
- Repeat
Fiestal Network
L_i = R_(i-1)
R_i = L_(i-1) ⊕ f(sk_i, R_(i-1))
Electronic Code Book (ECB)
c_i = f(m_i)
c = c1c2…