(W3/4) ACP Flashcards
What are the communication skills required in palliative care?
- Active listening
- Summarising
- Paraphrasing
- Empathy
- Clarifying
- Silence
- Acknowledgement
- Encouragement
What is the SPIKES protocol?
- For sharing bad news, gather info from px and family and provide support
Perception (Ask what they know)
Invitation (permission to give info)
Knowledge (Share info)
Emotions/Empathy (respond to them)
What is Advance Care Planning?
- DISCUSSION on future health and personal care in context to px values and goals
~ Not a legal document - Determines substitute decision maker
- Exercises px autonomy
What are the 3 approaches of ACP?
1) General : For Early onset and medically stable patient
- Identify spokesperson
- Consider goals of treatment should serious neurological injury occur
2) Disease-specific (DSACP) : Px with progressive, life-limiting illnesses w frequent complications
- Determine goals of treatment as complication escalates
3) Preferred Plan of Care (PPC) : Px w < 12 months prognosis or req long-term institutional care
- Establish specific plan of care for when px deteriorates
What are the key components of ACP discussion?
- Understanding health condition
- Discussing QOL
- Naming decision-maker
- Religious/spiritual belief
- Resuscitation or life support measures
- Preferred place of care
- Preferred place of death
What are the requirements for ACP discussions?
- Px has adequate mental capacity and no mood disorders
- Px is comfortable and sensory impairment is optimised
What are the barriers of initiating ACP?
1) Patient factors
- Denial/unclear of diagnosis
- Inclined to protect family
- Low health literacy
- Death topic avoidance
2) Clinician factors
- Not enough time
- Lack of continuity during care transition
- Lack of knowledge and confidence
- Unclear prognosis
- Focused on curing of disease
3) System factors
- Focus on life-sustaining care
- Ownership
- Interpretation
- Concordance
What are the strategies to overcome patient factors?
- Denial/unclear diagnosis
~ Discuss goals of care - Inclined to protect family
~ Involve family in planning - Low health literacy
~ Avoid jargons
~ Use pictorials - Death topic avoidance
~ Create more ACP awareness in the community
What are the strategies to overcome clinician barriers?
- Lack of continuity during care transition
~ Work w other stakeholder better - Lack of knowledge and confidence
~ ACP facilitator training - Unclear prognosis
~ Discuss goals of care - Focused on curing of disease
~ Change mindset to focusing on QOL
What are the strategies to overcome the system barriers?
- Focus on life-sustaining care
~ Focus on QOL in goals of care discussion - Interpretation
~ Interpret context correctly - Concordance
~ Advocate for achieving px’s goals
ACP vs LPA vs AMD?
- LPA can choose how to execute decisions for px on finances/assets and care when incapacitated by non-lifesaving treatments and wishes in the ACP
- AMD for life saving treatment, and is decided by the px
- ACP to discuss broad wishes and is not legally binding