W2P1 Money Demand Flashcards
What does real money demand depend upon?
Real money demand depends positively on real income Y, negatively
on nominal interest rates i, and positively on transaction costs c so that
L = (Y(+) i(-) c(+)
Is the following statement true or false?
“If inflation is positive, simply maintaining the nominal money supply at some constant level amounts to a contractionary monetary policy”
When prices are increasing and the nominal money supply stays constant, then the real money supply will decrease as it is M/P
Suppose real GDP increases by 1%, and the real demand for money increases by
1.2%. What is the income elasticity of money demand?
The income elasticity of money demand is 1.2 as real GDP increases by
1% and money demand increases by 1.2%
Suppose real GDP increases by 1%, nominal interest rates rise by 1%, and real
money demand increases by 0.5%.Given that the income elasticity of money demand is 1.2, what is the interest elasticity of real money demand?
The 1% increase in real GDP would increase real money demand by
1.2%. Since real money demand only rises by 0.5% we know that the
1% increase in the nominal interest rate decreases real money demand
by 0.7%, hence the interest elasticity of real money demand is -0.7.