W2D2 Bible Covenants Flashcards
Abrahamic Covenant
Parties: Jehovah and Abraham
Purpose: legal basis for the offspring of the woman of Genesis 3:15 to rule in the Kingdom
Edenic Promise
Points to the Kingdom as the means by which God’s original purpose for the earth and mankind will be fulfilled.
Abrahamic Covenant Negotiated: Went into effect: Validation by blood: Mediator: Duration:
Negotiated: Don't know Went into effect: Nisan 14, 1943 B.C.E. Validation by blood: Don't know Mediator: No Duration: Forever
Law Covenant
Parties: Jehovah and Natural Israel
Purpose: Protects the offspring and leads humans to the Messiah.
Law Covenant Negotiated: Validation by blood: Mediator: Duration:
Negotiated: 1513 B.C.E.
Validation by blood: Yes
Mediator: Moses
Duration: Until 33 C.E. when it was replaced by the New Covenant.
Davidic Covenant
Parties: Jehovah and David
Purpose: It establishes that the Messianic King will come from David’s line and that what the King accomplishes will be everlasting.
Davidic Covenant Negotiated: Validation by blood: Mediator: Duration:
Negotiated: Sometime between 1070-1038 B.C.E.
Validation by blood: No
Mediator: No
Duration: Forever
What was the result of the Abrahamic, Law and Davidic Covenants?
Primary Seed
Covenant for a Priest Like Melchizedek
Parties: Jehovah and Jesus
Purpose: It provides a legal arrangement for Jesus to be king and priest forever.
Covenant for a Priest Like Melchizedek Negotiated: Validation by blood: Mediator: Duration:
Negotiated: Don’t know
Validation by blood: No
Mediator: No
Duration: Forever
New Covenant
Parties: Jehovah and Spiritual Israel
Purpose: It provides a legal basis for 144,000 Christians to be adopted as sons of God and to form the secondary part of the “offspring”
New Covenant Negotiated: Went into effect: Validation by blood: Mediator: Duration:
Negotiated: Night of the Memorial -
Nisan 14, 33 C.E.
Went into effect: Pentecost, 33 C.E.
When Holy spirit was poured out.
Validation by blood: Jesus’ blood
Mediator: Jesus
Duration: Until all the anointed are in heaven.
The effects are forever.
Kingdom Covenant
Parties: Jesus and Spiritual Israel
Purpose: It legally joins anointed Christians with Christ to rule as kings and serve as priests in heaven.
Kingdom Covenant Negotiated: Validation by blood: Mediator: Duration:
Negotiated: Nisan 14, 33 C.E. After the Kingdom Covenant Validation by blood: No Mediator: No Duration: Forever
What is the result of the New Covenant and Kingdom Covenant?
Secondary Seed
Is Jesus the mediator of the Other Sheep in the New Covenant?
Because the other sheep are not members of the New Covenant
Why is a covenant with the great crowd not necessary?
It is not needed.