W2: RQ for Associations (Page 1-22) Flashcards
What does a good research question contain:
- ) A question
- ) All constructs being investigated
- ) The study population
- ) A verb that indicates the type of relationship among constructs being proposed
What are the 3 types of verbal forms of relationships
Difference; Association; Prediction
What does DAP involve
Association = Correlation Prediction = Linear Regression Difference = Differences between groups
What is a population
COMPLETE set of all individuals relevant to our research question
What is a sample
SUBSET of individuals selected by some sampling scheme from the population, assumed to be representative of that population
How many population and samples are relevant in our research question
1 population but there can be (theoretically) many possible samples drawn from that population
What is a construct
Unobservable attributes to explain human behavior
What is a measure. What are some conditions for a measure?
Method to measure people on a construct to obtain a construct score.
Measure must be valid and reliability
What is a score
Numerical value of the construct measure
What is a raw score and what are they generally indicated by
Values obtained directly from the construct measure.
They are generally indicated by a capital letter (X,Y), which is a variable containing a set of values
What is a deviation score and what are they generally indicated by.
The mean is subtracted from the individual score.
They are generally indicated by lower case letter (x,y)
Hence, X - mean(x) = x
What is a z score. What is the mean and sd of z scores
Particular kind of standardized score by dividing a deviation score by standard deviation
Mean = 0
SD = 1
What is a standardized score (Generally speaking)
Raw scores that have been transformed such that they have a predefined mean and a predefined scaling for each unit standard deviation.
IQ: 100
Z: 15
Why do we call something a random variable
Each value has an associated probability of ocurrene
What is the difference between continuous and discrete random variables
Continuous: Any numerical value within a defined interval (e.g. 0 to 100)
Discrete: Finite number of distinct values (e.g. integers 1,2,3,4,5)
If both measures are continuous, we use ___
If both measures are categorical, we use ____
Contingency Tables
What is summary characteristics
Some kind of aggregation undertaken on
the individual values in one or more variables to produce a single quantity that is
informative about the values (e.g. mean; standardd deviation)