W12L1 post translational regulation Flashcards
Method of post translational regulatory
- Protein folding
- The ubiquitin proteasome system
Proteostasis in eukaryote
The process of controlling proteins abundant, consist of
-protein synthesis
- protein maturation via protein folding and post translational modification
- when it is no longer required , degradation occur
Post-translational events
-Several steps are required to produce a functional protein
-The first step is protein folding
- covalent modification
- binding to other subunit
- maturation of functional protein
Protein folding
- polar and non polar side chains
-polar side chain on the outside of the molecule can form hydrogen bonds to water
-hydrophobic core region contains nonpolar side chain
-Hydrophobic residues move towards the centre of the protein
Protein folding begins during translation
Some proteins can fold by the time synthesis is complete But most cannot fold correctly without help
Discovery of heat shock proteins
Heat-shock proteins (Hsp) are molecular chaperones
Rapidly induced by mild heat shock
Are conserved in bacteria, plant, animals
Molecular chaperones assist with protein folding
-Hsp70 binds to hydrophobic regions of unfolded proteins
-Rapid cycles of ATP hydrolysis induce conformational changes and dissociation/association of Hsp70 to assist folding
-Hsp60 provides an isolated environment for protein folding forcing the incorrectly or incompletely folded protein to fold correctly. high amount of hydrophobic residue
- have hydrophobic binding site to attract, ATP cause GroES cap to bind
- GroES cap force the hydrophobic region to be inside and the hydrophilic out
Reason for Proteins cannot always be successfully folded
- mutation
- incorrect splicing
- cell stress
- overexpression
- bad luck
The Ubiquitin Proteasome System (UPS)
Proteins are targeted to proteasome for degradation and recycling By the 26S proteosome
Ubiquitination process of poteins
-Ubiquitin is added to lysine residues in proteins
-poly ubiquitination of Lys48 target the protein to proteosome
-Poly-ubiquitinated proteins are degraded by the 26S proteasome
Ubiquitin Ligases
3 type:
E1 is ubiquitin activating enzyme, using ATP
E2 receive ubiquitin from the E1
E3 ligases interact with the E2 and the protein substrate
E2 then transfer ubiquitin to the substrate
In humans, 2 E1 enzymes, ~30 E2 enzymes, >500 E3 proteins
Diversity of E3 ubiquitin ligases
Cullin-RING-ligase (CRL) type
Non CRL type
The unfolded protein ubiquitin response
Misfolded proteins in the ER are targeted to the proteasome
-ubiquitine ligase presented on the ER membrane
Ubiquitinated by an E3 ligase as they are exported from the ER
The unfolded protein response and translational repression
-PERK detects unfolded proteins in ER by detecting the hydrophobic region
-PERK is eIF2⍺ kinase, a global repressor of translational initiation
-phosphorylation of eIF2⍺ leads to Increase of ATF4 translation due to uORFs
Median of protein life
46 hours
Regulated protein degradation occurs by the UPS
Skp, Cullin, F-box (SCF) family of ubiquitin ligases
F-box proteins define specificity of the SCF complex: 69 in humans, ~700 in Arabidopsis
Fbox and phytohormomes
-F-box proteins are receptors for phytohormones
-When there are low levels of hormone in the cell Transcriptional repressors inhibit hormone-response genes
-Hormones bind to the F-box protein to recruit repressor proteins
-Degradation of repressor proteins by UPS activates transcription
-The F-box protein creates substrate specificity
What is autophagy
Autophagy mean self death, a mean to recycle cell component
Conserved pathway in fungi, plant and animal
Process of autophagy
Autophagy directs material to the lysosome or vacuole
-create a membrane around the target, a membrane bound organelle target it for degradation
- The lysosome is an acidic compartment containing enzymes for degradation
Genetic screen for autophagy mutants
Autophagy first described in 1960s, but no molecular understanding until 1990s . Very difficult to observe in vivo, needing electron microscope
- generate vacuolar proteinase mutant, Autophagic bodies accumulate in vacuoles under nutrient stress, visible with a light microscope
Initiation and formation of autophagasomes
- Tor also regulate autophagasome synthesis
- active Tor also phosphorylation Atg13 to inhibit autophagy
-Under starvation mTORC1 is inactive, Atg13 promotes autophagy
A ubiquitin-like conjugation system
Atg12 and Atg8/LC3 ubiquitin-like proteins, can covalently link to a peptide
-Atg 7 is an E1 like, bind to Atg 12 and Atg8
-then transfer to E2 like protein Atg10 and Atg3
-ultimately, Atg8 and Atg12 conjurgate to PE
Phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is a membrane phospholipid
> Required to form autophagasomes