W12 - Validity Flashcards
What is the formal definition of validity
The degree to which evidence and theory suport the interpretation of test scores entailed by proposed use of tests
What is validity concerned and not concerned with?
- Concerns interpretation and use of tests
- Must be grounded in relevant evidence and theory
- Not merely conerned witth test items
Is validity continous/binary
Continous (Like reliability)
What does validity tend to require
Tend to require reference to external criterion
- Not a must
What is the classic tripartite distinction
- Criterion Validity
- Content Validity
- Construct Validity
What is criterion validity. What are the types.
The extent it can predict scores on relevant criterion variables
- Concurrent validity
- Test scores evaluated against criterion measured at same time
- Predictive validity
- Test scores evaluated against criterion measured at later time
What is the typical criterion validity in practice
Validity Coefficient
- Pearson correlation (typically) between test scores and scores on criterion measure
- Attenuated due to measurement error
Why bother with criterion validity if we already have a criterion?
- Gold standard test may be more expensive/difficult to apply
- Some criterion test are post-hoc by nature
What is content validity
The extent its content reflects the full domain of the construct it is suppoedly assessing
What is one way of examining content validity?
- Ask experts whether individual items are “essential”, “useful but not essential”, or “not necessary” to job performance
- Calculate the Content Validity Ratio (CVR)
What is face validity. And what is it related to. Is it important
Face Validity
- Face validity is the extent it seems (to test-takers) to have content validity
- Related to content validity
- Practical Benefit - Public Relations
- Lack of face validity = Lack of confidence in effectivness of test = Decrease in motivation for test-taker
- This will skew the results even though a test that lacks face validity may be relevant and useful!
What is construct validity. What are the types.
The extent it reflects the construct it is meant to be reflecting (i.e. appropriateness of inference)
- Convergent Validity
- Test scores correlated with tests of identical or related construct
- Discriminant Validity
- Test scores uncorrelated with tests of unrelated (which should not be theoretically correlated) construct
What is Sensitivity. What is the formula (Think through diagram)
- Se
- Test’s ability to correctly detect positive cases
- True Positive / True Positive + False Negatives
- Test’s ability to correctly detect positive cases
What is Specificity. What is the formula (Think through diagram)
- Sp
- Test’s ability to correctly detect negative cases
- True Negative / True Negative + False Positive
- Test’s ability to correctly detect negative cases
What is Positive Predictive Power. What is the formula (Think through diagram)
- Probability a positive test result indicate a positive case
- True Positive / True Positive + False Positive
- Probability a positive test result indicate a positive case
What is Negative Predictive Power. What is the formula (Think through diagram)
- Probability a negative test result indicate a negative case
- True Negative / True Negative + False Negative
- Probability a negative test result indicate a negative case
What is prevalance. And how does it related to PPP and NPVs
- Prevalance
- Probability a random case is criterion positive
- (True positive + False negative) / All
- Probability a random case is criterion positive
- Intepretations of PPV and NPV can only be applied if base rates is applied to the population
What is a common issue in interpreting PPP and NPVs
In clinical settings, the prevalance of diagnosis will be higher than aforementioned population
- This implies that with a test with less than perfect sensitivity/specifcity, we should be wary of ruling in or out a particular condition on the basis of test results
What is a practical understanding of PPP and NPV
- How worried you should be if your test results come positive
- How happy you should be if your test results come negative
- Note: Only appropriate if base rates are applied to me
Spin and Snout
- Spin
- Specific test
- postive rules in disease
- Snout
- SeNsitive test
- negative rules OUT disease
What are 5 types of evidence proposed to be relevant to construct validity
- Consequences of Use
- Should not have unfair consequences
- Associations with other variables
- Match between actual variables correlated with and what it should correlate with (theoratically)
- Response Processes
- Match between psychological processses and what the item is asking
- Internal Structure
- If test is one thing, items should be correlated well
- Test Content
- Content validity
Estimating validity: What are nomonlogical networks
- Nomological networks
- General philosohpical approach to construct validity
System of laws which constitute a theory and which relates
- Observable properties to each other
- Theoretical constructs to observerable
- Theoretical constructs to each other
What does nomological networks help to establish
Multitrait-Multimethod Martix
What does multitrait-multimethod matrices do?
Evaluate construct validity
- By evaluating trait and method variance, they aim to establish convergent and discriminant validity
“Establish support claims for construct validity.”
What sources of variance does multitrait-multimethod matrices use. What is the problem?
Trait Variance
- Measures tend to share variance if they’re based on same (or similar) traits
Method Variance
- Measures tend to share variance if they’re based on the same data source
Correlations between measures could be explained by trait/method variances, or both.
Multitrait-multimethod matrices: What are the 4 types of corelations and expected correlations
- Heterotrait-Hetereomethod Correlations
- Weakest Correlations
- Heterotrait-Monomethod Correlations
- Moderate Correlations?
- Monotrait-Heteromethod Correlations
- Moderate Corelations?
- Monotrait-Monomethod Correlations
- Strongest Correlations
Multitrait-Multimethod Matrix: How do we examine it?
- Reliability
- Diagonal Line
- Highest correlation
- Converging Validity
- Second Diagonal Line
- Moderate Correlation
- Triangle with unbroken lines
- Moderate Correlation
- Maybe discriminant validity
- Triangles with broken lines
- Weakest Correlation
- Maybe discriminant validity