W12: Concepts of Justice and Human Rights in Occupational Science Flashcards
When did the concept development of occupational justice begin?
What was the concept development for occupational justice motivated by?
motivated by vision for ‘occupational just world’
- described as a world that ‘would be governed in a way that enables individuals to flourish by doing what they decide is most meaningful and useful to themselves and to their families, communities, and nations’ (Christiansen & Townsend, 2010)
- challenges to acting on this vision include limited amount of resources, and sustainability
What are the 3 key considerations of occupational justice?
- individuals are different and have different needs – needs expressed through daily occupations; humans need and want to engage in a variety of occupations
- humans are social beings – occupations embedded within a social context where people are interdependent
- individual differences require a justice based on enablement
What are the 3 key beliefs of occupational justice?
- humans are occupational beings
- humans participate in occupations as autonomous agents – should not be forced into doing something they do not want to do, will not be beneficial for them
- occupational participation is interdependent and contextual, and a determinant of health and quality of life
What are the 4 key principles of occupational justice?
- empowerment through occupation – OT should not be telling client what to do and what is best for them, and instead should collaborate with client to identify pros/cons and what they want/need
- inclusive classification of occupations – need to think more broadly about what occupations people define as meaningful
- enablement of occupational potential
- diversity, inclusion, and shared advantage in occupational participation
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What are the 2 types of factors?
- structural factors
- contextual factors
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What are the 2 levels of structural factors?
- underlying occupational determinants
- occupational instruments of programs (occupational forms)
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What is the 1 level of contextual factors?
- personal, historical, and spatial contexts
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What are the underlying occupational determinants? (4)
the large contextual factors that shape things at the social level – out of your control as a citizen
- types of economy
- regional, national, international policies
- values underlying policy
- cultural values
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What do occupational determinants shape?
shape occupational forms
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What are the personal, historical, and spatial contexts? (10)
- age
- gender
- sexual preference
- income/wealth
- ability/disability
- ethnicity
- religion
- national origin
- political beliefs
- homelessness
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What are the 3 types of occupational outcomes?
- occupational rights
- dis-ease
- injustices
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What are the occupational rights? (4)
- meaning: right to experience occupation as meaningful and enriching
- participation: right to develop through participation in occupations for health and social inclusion
- choice: right to exert individual/population autonomy through choice in occupations, should not be forced to do something you do not want to do
- balance: right to benefit from fair privileges for diverse participation in occupation
Factors Linked to Occupational Justice
What are the occupational injustices? (4)
- occupational imbalance
- occupational deprivation
- occupational marginalization
- occupational alienation
What is occupational deprivation?
a state of prolonged preclusion from engagement in occupations of necessity and/or meaning due to factors which stand outside of the control of the individual