Feedback affects…
Learning and subsequent performance
3 types of feedback
Simple intrinsic, complex intrinsic, extrinsic
Simple intrinsic feedback
from skill outcome
Complex intrinsic feedback
From coordination
Extrinsic feedback
Comes from outside the performer, e.g. from coach
Effect of extrinsic feedback
accelerates learning process
Name a coaching process model
Franks et al. 1983
Summarize Franks et al. 1983
Athlete perform –> coach observes, performance analysed, related to past performance –> coach plans practice, coach conducts practice
Problems with Franks et al. 1983
Traditional methods are subjective, studies show this
Name 4 studies to do with the coaching/observational process
Franks and Miller (1986, 1991)
Laird and Waters (2017)
Franks (1993)
Giblin et al. (2016)
What did Franks and Miller study
Recall of key events by international soccer coaches
Franks and Miller results
only 30% recall of factors determining success, less than 42% correct in post game assessment of what occurred
Franks and Miller 1991 study
trained coaches with video to recall key events
key event recall improved but still unable to get more than 40% correct
Laird and Waters 2017 summary
showed experienced coaches only accurate 59% of time with basic skills
Franks 1993 summary
novice vs experienced gymnastic coaches
no different in identifying differences between two performances
Experienced coaches more likely to report mistakes not there and be more confident even when incorrect