historical perspective: explain 1967
- If x-ray beam were passed through an object in all direction and measurement were made of all the x-ray transmission,
information about the internal structure of the body could be made - Construct and experiment apparatus to investigate the clinical feasibility (Americium Gamma Source)
- Collaboration with radiologist - evaluate the usefulness of the machine by evaluating the human brain specimen
* able to differentiate the tumor tissue with the gray and white matter
* able to show detail such as ventricle and pineal gland in controlled experiment using fresh brain from bullocks
historical perspective: explain 1971
1st clinical prototype CT brain scanner was installed at Atkinson Morley’s Hospital
* processing time for picture reduced to 20 minutes
* introduction of minicomputers - processing time reduced to 4.5 minutes
historical perspective: explain 1972
1st patient was scan using clinical prototype CT - woman with suspected cerebral lesion
* image show a clear dark circular cyst in the brain
* able to distinguish between normal and diseased tissue
historical perspective: explain 1973
1.1st significant technical development - 1st whole body CT scanner
2. Introduction of 3rd generation of CT scanner
historical perspective: explain 1974
Introduction of 4th generation of CT scanner
historical perspective: explain 1975
introduction of Dynamic Spatial Reconstructor (DSR)
* Allow dynamic volume scanning to accommodate imaging of the dynamic organ and functional aspect of the
cardiovascular and pulmonary system with high temporal resolution
historical perspective: explain 1980
Electron Beam Computed Tomography (EBCT) was introduced
* Invented to image the cardiovascular system without motion artifact
* Capable to acquired multi-slice image in 50ms and 100ms
research and development of MSCT
Introduction of single-slice Spiral/Helical CT scanners
* Allow volume scanning by moving the patient continuously through the gantry of the scanner
while the x-ray tube and detector rotate continuously for several time
Introduction dual Spiral/Helical CT scanners
Introduction Multislice Spiral/Helical CT scanners
when is the 1st patient undergo CT examination using clinical prototype?
what is the function of DSR?
allow to observe the dynamic volume scanning to accommodate imaging of the dynamic organ & functional aspect of cardiovascular and pulmonary system with high temporal resolution.
what are the 4 limitations of CR?
what are the 4 limitations of LT?
both limitations?
what are the goals of CT?
explain the characteristics of 1st generation
what is rectilinear pencil beam scanning?
advantages & disadvantages of 1st generation
explain the characteristics of 2nd generation
explain the characteristics of 3rd generation
advantages 3rd gen over 1st& 2nd gen? (3)
disadvantages of 3rd gen over 4th gen ? (1)
differentiate the differs. of early model & later model of 3rd gen
explain the characteristics of 4th generation ?(4)
advantages of 4th gen over 3rd gen? (4)
disadvantages of 4th gen ? (3)
explain the characteristics of EBCT