W. 2 Leadership & Power Flashcards
What is leadership?
The process of influencing others to understand & agree what needs to be done & how. Along with the process of facilitating individual & collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives.
Leader vs. Manager
- Focus on developing new approaches & options for the future.
- Inspires others to follow their vision for the organization.
- Day-to-day problem solver.
- Manages the operations of the organization, efficiently.
Leader & Manager - merged into one
Leadership - inspiring a vision
Management - controlling the operation
Managerial Leadership - adapting to situational demands
Leadership approaches (over the decades)
1900: trait approach
1940: behavior approach
1960: situational approach
1975: LMX approach
1985: transformational approach
2000: moral approaches (ethical, authentic, servant)
Great man theory (“great person theory”
Some people are born to be leaders - just have to find them
Trait approach - leadership (3parts)
- leaders are born with talents & abilities for leadership
- select the “right” people for leadership position, rather than train them
- exhibit special attributes which makes them great leaders
Leader behaviors (Ohio state university study - described what leaders did) Combined into 2 broad categories:
- Initiating structure: defining tasks, focusing on goals
- consideration: trust, respect, relational
Path- Goal Theory
- how?
- four leadership behaviors:
- Leaders motivates followers to accomplish goals by establishing the paths to the goals
Four leadership behaviors:
- Directive
- Supportive
- Participative
- Achievement-Oriented
LMX approach
Leader-member exchange (LMX)
- defined as the quality of the working relationship that is developed with each follower
- has shown that in a relatively short period of time, leaders decide who is in their “in-group” (close circle) & “out-group” (outside circle)
Leader-Member Exchange - “in-group”
- leaders “to-go-to” people
- dependable, trustworthy & assist leader in reaching their goal
- receive better performance evaluations, higher salary increase & promoted at a faster rate than the “out-group”
Leader-Member Exchange - “out-group”
- not poor performers
- perform to the specifications in their job descriptions
- don’t go “above and beyond”
- don’t take on extra work
Leader-Member Exchange - Development
Role taking:
Role making:
Role routinization:
Leader-Member Exchange - managing your boss
LMX: related to promotion & salary increase
An effective working relationship with your boss predicts;
- performance
- job satisfaction
- organizational commitment
- motivation
- lower turnover
Leader-Member Exchange - managing your boss
- meet expectations: find out what’s seen as good and aim for it
- ask about follow-up
- examine & adjust to your boss’ style
- tell your boss when you feel neglected
- become aware of other managers’ styles
- manage up (relationships can always be restored after damage in some way)
Leader-Member Exchange - follower reactions to authority
Counter dependent: “recent being told what to do”
Overdependent: “try to accommodate all wishes”
Interdependent: “mutual relationship between worker and supervisor” (best?)
Leader-Member Exchange - attribution & leader-member relations
Attributions: a persons attempt to assign a cause to a behavior or event
- can be classified as either internal or external
(LMX) Attributions:
- Internal:
- External:
- Internal: believe that event/behavior is due to character traits or abilities
- External: believe that behavior is due to situational factors
(LMX) Attribution errors
Attributions can bias how we process info and make decisions.
- Fundamental attribution error:
“Situational factors creat expectations, good or bad”
- Self-serving bias
“Do good - praise self to feel even better; Do bad - blame situation, to feel less bad”
The importance of Trust
“A psychological state compromising the intention to accept vulnerability based upon positive expectations of the intentions or behavior of another”
Calculated-Based Trust
“I do this for you - you do this for me”
- keeping records of what someone does for you and what you do in return
- “arms length” form of trust: no one really gets hurt by the behavior of the other
- expectations = contracts
Knowledge-Based Trust
- level of trust grounded in how predictable the other person is:
developed over time:
- through interactions
- ppl come to expect the other person to come through for them
- info is gathered about the other person
Identification-Based Trust
Deepest level of trust
- characterized by the leader and followers sharing the same goal and objectives
(E.g., important within a political party, but not needed between the different parties)
- Transactional Leadership
- Transformational Leadership
- Transactional: Behaviors that motivate followers through rewards and corrective actions
- Transformational: Behaviors that mobilize extra effort from followers through emphasis on change through articulating a new vision for the organization
Transactional Leadership:
- related to?
- 2 forms
- Contingent reward: promising or delivering rewards
- Management-by-exception (MBE) (2 types):
- —>Active form (MBEA)
- —> Passive form (MBEP)
Transformational Leadership:
- related to?
this set of behaviors is most related to positive attitudes, commitment, and performance of followers.
Transformational Leadership: The 4 I’S
- Idealized influence
- Inspirational motivation
- Intellectual stimulation
- Individualized consideration
(The 4 I´s - Transformational Leadership) - Idealized Influence:
• Idealized influence: being admired and respected
by followers is the core of this leadership
component. They are seen as change agents in the
(The 4 I´s - Transformational Leadership) - Inspirational Motivation:
• Inspirational motivation: leaders inspire others to
work hard toward organizational goals by providing
challenge. They are positive and upbeat and get
others to feel optimistic.
(The 4 I´s - Transformational Leadership) - Intellectual Stimulation:
• Intellectual stimulation: transformational leaders
encourage innovation and new ideas. They listen to
followers openly and don’t criticize novel solutions
to problems
(The 4 I´s - Transformational Leadership) - Individualized Consideration:
• Individualized consideration: transformational
leaders treat each follower as a unique person.
They get to know people one-on-one and mentor
Power & Influence
- Power is the potential of one person (or group)
to influence another person or group - Influence can, therefore, be thought of as power in use
Bases of Power (structural/positional)
(3 parts)Follower
• Coercive power: The authority to punish
• Reward power: The authority to provide incentives
or other things valued
• Legitimate power: The authority to make a request
and get a response due to the nature of the roles
between two people (e.g., boss and direct report)
Bases of Power (personal)
2 parts
• Expert power: The ability to influence others due to
knowledge or a special skill set
• Referent power: The ability to influence based on
others’ identification with the individual and
followers’ desire to emulate her
Reactions to Power and Influence
3 parts
- Commitment
- Compliance
- Resistance
Bases of Power - Followers- Engagement, -Response & -Reaction
Follower Engagement Level:
- Commitment
- Compliance
- Resistance
Power Bas Used (Follower Response)
- Referent (commitment)
- Expert (compliance)
- Legitimate (compliance)
- Reward (compliance)
- Coercive (resistance)
Follower Reaction to Directives:
- High motivation & Performance (Referent)
- “Zone of indifference” (Expert, Legitimate, Reward)
- Low Performance & Sabotage (Coercive)
Impression Management:
- behavior?
- image?
• Behaviors people use to protect their self-image
and/or change the way they are seen by others
• goal (people think they need a certain image for a
• difference between actual and desired image
Impression Management: Minimizing vs Maximizing
- apologize (be sorry after violating co-workers trust)
- excuses (not taking responsibility)
- justification (blaming poor performance on others)
- exemplification (appearing busy, despite tempo)
- ingratiation (using flattery)
- self-promotion (showing of diplomas/accomplishments)