Vygotsky Flashcards
What are the elementary functions children are born with?
- Perception
- Sensation
- Memory
What is the zone of proximal development?
Gap between current and potential knowledge ability bridged by MKO
Which theorist talks about scaffolding?
Wood et al
What are the key aspects involved in scaffolding?
- Recuruitment
- Direction maintance
- Marking critical features
- Demonstration
- Reduction in degrees of freedom
Define recruitment
Engaging learners interest
Define direction maintanence
Define reduction in degrees of freedom
Focusing learner on task and giving them a starting point
Give a limitation of Vygotsky
Howe et al - children who experience same interaction in slope research came down to different conclusions and vygotsky doesnt explain this difference but piaget maturation does
Who ignores individual differences ?
Conner and cross
Longitudunal study
45 children
Ages 16, 25, 43, 54 MONTHS
They recorded how much help mother gave , the mother decreased intervention as they got older
So? Supports ZPD
Observed children doing jigsaw puzzles with increasing difficulty, mothers gave less help with the easier ones
Supports scaffolding
How do the elementary functions turn to higher elementary functions?
These are done by influence of culture and social environment