Vulva Flashcards
Choose all correct answers:
a) squamous cell carcinoma accounts for 90% of vulvar cancers
b) micro invasive cancer is defined as < 3cm diameter and < 1mm depth of invasion
c) stage 1A and 1B cancers may be treated with WLE only
d) if final pathology shows depth of invasion >1mm or tumour margin <1cm and no inguinal lymphadenectomy was done at original surgery, should have second surgery to complete node dissection
a) true
b) false -<2cm diameter
c) false -stage 1A no nodes but 1B should have node dissection
d) true
List potential complications of complete inguinofemoral groin node dissection
wound breakdown, infection, lymphadema, cellulitis
Choose all correct answers:
a) if depth of invasion >1mm on biopsy, bilateral inguinal node dissection is always indicated
b) prognosis for patient with recurrence in non-dissected node is dismal with > 90% mortality
c) if ipsilateral groin nodes positive, then contralateral nodes should be dissected
d) performing node dissection through separate incisions decreases the risk of chronic lymphedema to less than 5%
a) false -ipsilateral only unless <1cm from midline (<2cm from midline according B&H)
b) true
c) true
d) false -en block incision risk is 30-65%, separate incisions 20%
What are the indications for a pelvic node dissection in a patient with vulvar cancer?
a) clinically suspicious inguinal groin nodes
b) 3 or more positive inguinal nodes on the same side
(but evidence suggests radiation better than surgery for these patients)
Choose all correct answers:
a) >90% of vulvar cancers are HPV+
b) usual type VIN lesions are related to HPV infection, whereas differentiated VIN are not
c) differentiated VIN are associated with smoking and tend to occur at a younger age
d) differentiated VIN has a higher risk of concurrent malignancy than usual VIN
a) false 40%
b) true
c) false -usual type =young, HPV, smoking with basaxoid or warty VIN
d) true 86% vs 28%
Choose all correct answers:
a) Paget’s disease of the vulva tends to occur in women over age 60
b) Vulva is the most common location for extramammary Paget’s to occur
c) Vulvar Paget’s is an indication for screening for associated malignancies including mammography, CT abdo/pelvis, TV U/S, pap, colonoscopy, cystoscopy
d) a 1cm resection margin is recommended but margins are still frequently positive
a) true other risk factors include white race
b) true
c) true
d) true
Choose all correct answers:
a) recurrent Paget’s disease of the vulva should be treated with radiation therapy
b) invasive paget’s disease with depth >1mm is an indication for radical vulvectomy + ipsilateral inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy
c) once resected with negative margins, Paget’s disease rarely recurs
a) false further surgical resection or topical imiquimod
b) true -treat same as squamous
c) false
If squamous vulvar cancer suspected based on symptoms and clinical inspection, what would a complete physical exam include?
palpation of groin nodes, Pap smear, colposcopy of cervix and vagina
How does vulvar cancer spread (3 ways)?
- direct extension
- lymphatic embolization to regional lymph nodes
- hematogenous (lungs, liver, bone)
Where is Cloquet’s node?
inguinal node: beneath the inguinal ligament and most cephalic of femoral node group
A patient has a 2cm vulvar lesion with 1.2mm depth of invasion which is involving the lower vagina. Groin node dissection was negative. What stage is this?
a) 1B
b) 2
c) 3A(i)
d) 3B(i)
e) 4A
stage 3 have positive nodes, lower vagina involvement makes this a stage 2
A patient has a 4cm vulvar lesion with 1.2mm depth of invasion and no invasion to surrounding structures. Groin node dissection revealed 3 positive ipsilateral nodes each measuring less than 5mm. What stage is this?
3B(i) \+ nodes = 3 3 or more micro = B no macro(>5mm) nodes = i
A patient has 4cm vulvar lesion with 1.2mm depth of invasion. On physical exam there are fixed, ulcerated inguino-femoral lymph nodes. What stage is this?
Where should you make your incision for a groin node dissection?
linear incision 1cm above and parallel to groin crease along medial 3/4 of a line between ASIS and labiocrural fold
will encounter superficial circumflex iliac vessels
What makes up the femoral triangle?
inguinal ligament, adducts longs, sartorial