VTE Flashcards
Didnt include VTE prophylaxis
3 main categories of Risk factors for VTE
Vascular damage
Circulatory stasis
S&S of DVT
Symptoms (similar to cellulitis so must be able to differentiate):
- The patient may complain of leg swelling, pain, or warmth, fever (possible also).Symptoms are nonspecific and objective testing must be performed to establish the diagnosis
- Usually presents unilaterally
- Superficial veins may be dilated -> “palpable cord” may be felt in affected leg
- Pain in the back of the knee when the examiner dorsiflexes the foot of the affected leg (Homan’s sign).
S&S of PE
Symptoms (more respiratory):
- May come with cough, chest pain, chest tightness, SOB or palpitation
- Symptoms may be confused w MI
- May spit or cough up blood (hemoptysis)
- When massive, may come with dizziness or light-headedness.
- May have tachycardia, tachypnea, and appear diaphoretic
- Neck veins may be distended
- Massive PE: may appear cyanotic and become hypotensive. Oximetry: hypoxic
- May go into cardiogenic shock and die within minutes.
Clinical feature of the Wells Score
Active cancer: 1
Paralysis, paresis or recent plaster immobilisation of lower extremeties: 1
Recently bedridden for >3d or major surgery within 4wks: 1
Localised tenderness under distribution of deep venous system: 1
Entire leg swollen: 1
Calf swelling by >3cm when compared to asymptomatic leg: 1
Pitting edema: 1
Collateral superficial veins: 1
Alternative diagnosis as more likely than that of deep venous thrombosis: -2
Scoring of Wells score and its probability of DVT
High probability: >=3
Moderate probability: 1 or 2
Low probability: 0
What should be done if wells-DVT score is 1-2?
D-dimer test as there is moderate/intermediate likelihood of DVT
What does D-dimer negative test suggest?
Rules out DVT
What does D-dimer positive test suggest and what should be done?
Possibility of DVT so send pt for ultrasound
What does wells-DVT score >2 suggests and what should be done?
High likely of DVT so send pt for ultrasound
If ultrasound suggests that it is a proximal DVT, what should be done?
Initiate anticoagulants
If ultrasound suggests that it is a distal DVT, what should be done?
Can either monitor or give anticoagulant
Does a positive D-dimer test always suggests DVT?
No, alot of others conditions can lead to a +ve D-dimer test hence, send pt for ultrasound to confirm
Wells criteria for PE
Clinical smx of DVT (leg swelling, pain with palpitation): 3
Other diagnosis less likely than PE: 3
HR >100: 1.5
Immobilization (>=3days) or surgery in previous 4 wks: 1.5
Previous DVT/PE: 1.5
Hemoptysis: 1
Malignancy: 1
Scoring of Wells criteria and its probability for PE
High: > 6
Moderate: 2-6
Low: <2
At what Wells score does it suggests likelihood of PE?
Wells score >4pts
What should be done is Wells score <= 4 pts for PE?
D-dimer test. If +ve, do imaging.
When are thrombolytics indicated for VTE and why?
Only when there is high risk of death eg. PE with severe cardiopulmonary compromise or DVT with high risk of limb loss.
Thrombolytics have high risk of causing haemorrhagic bleeding and is mainly used in PE > DVT
What is the dose for apixaban in VTE?
10mg PO BD x 7d then 5mg BD up to 6months.
Optional: 2.5 BD after first 6months