VSAQ Flashcards
What is the usual inheritance pattern of cone dystrophy?
AD - Most cases are sporadic but of the inherited cases, it is usually AD.
What is the inheritance of Stargardts?
Describe Mizuo phenomenon.
MIZUO PHENOMENON: change in fundus colour between light and dark adapted state in Oguchi’s disease (ie. disappearance of the abnormal shiny yellow-grey fundus colour with prolonged dark adaptation).
OGUCHI’S DISEASE: rare AR type of CSNB with non-progressive night blindness from birth characterised by Mizuo phenomenon.
What is the electrophysiological test used in Best’s disease?
EOG - Defective chloride channel results in low Arden Index (LP/DT) < 1.5 - 1.8
Normal ERG
How do you create cone response in ERG?
What structures produce B wave?
Bipolar cells and Muller cells
In juvenile retinoschisis: (1) What layer is the schisis? (2) What is the inheritance?
(1) Between NFL and GCL
2) X-Linked recessive (retinoschisin gene
Systemic associations of angioid streaks.
PEPSI Common:
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum, Ehler-Danlos syndrome, Paget’s disease of bone, Sickle cell disease and other hemoglobinopathies, Idiopathic
LITE Less common:
Lead poisoning, Increased Ca or Phosphate, Tuberous sclerosis and NF, epilepsy
ICG – what wavelength is used?
800 nm absorption
830 nm emission
Penetrates through RPE
What is the most common non-ocular systemic association of RP that is associated with a syndrome?
Hearing loss
Part of Usher syndrome
Conditions associated with retinal dysplasia.
Norrie disease
Incontinentia pigmenti
Warburg syndrome
Causes of bull’s eye maculopathy in 26 year old man with minor difficulties in reading?
DYSTROPHIES: Cone and cone-rod dystrophies, Stargardts, benign concentric annular macular dystrophy
DRUGS: Hydroxychloroquine, chloroquine
Give 2 ocular and 1 nonocular features of Kearns Sayre?
OCULAR: Bilateral ptosis, chronic progressive external ophthalmoplegia, pigmentary retinopathy
NON-OCULAR: Cerebella ataxia, cardiac conduction defects, endocrine dysfunction (diabetes or hypogonadism), deafness, proximal myopathy
(1) What is the pattern of inheritance of hereditary juvenile retinoschisis? (2) Why is it associated with poor central visual acuity?
(1) X-linked recessive (retinoschisin gene)
(2) Central - foveal schisis with atrophic maculopathy; Peripheral - vitreous haemorrhage and retinal detachments
Indication for treatment of maculopathy in BRVO.
Macula oedema and visual acuity of 6/12 or worse at 3 months (BVOS) - grid laser
Macula oedema CMT > 250 μm and visual acuity of 6/12 or worse (BRAVO) - ranibizumab
What are the 2 wavelengths produced by the argon laser?
Argon Blue-Green laser: green 514nm and blue 488 nm
State the two major mechanisms of action of anti-VEGF treatment of AMD subretinal neovascularisation by agents such as Lucentis (ranibizumab) and Avastin (bevacizumab).
(1) Anti-angiogenesis
(2) Reduction in vascular permeability.
List the 2 most commonly recognised ocular paraneoplastic retinopathies.
(1) Cancer-associated retinopathy
(2) Melanoma-associated retinopathy
Give 4 causes of visual loss in BRVO.
(1) Macula oedema (2) Macula ischaemia
(3) Neovascularisation causing VH or RD (4) Rubeotic glaucoma
List 3 systemic associations of Von-Hippel Lindau.
(1) CNS hemangioblastomas - cerebellum, brainstem and spinal cord (2) Phaeochromocytoma (3) Renal cell carcinoma.
List 4 fundus findings indicating ischaemia in non-proliferative DR
(1) Cotton wool spots (2) Venous beading (3) IRMA
List 3 fluorescein angiographic signs of ocular ischaemic syndrome.
(1) Delayed arm to choroid filling time > 5 secs (2) Delayed arteriovenous transit time > 11 secs (3) Late staining of retinal vessel walls (arterioles > venules) (4) Patchy filling of the choroid (5) Intraretinal leakage at macula (6) Capillary non-perfusion
List 4 causes of hard exudates.
(1) DR (2) Hypertensive retinopathy (3) Retinal vein occlusion (4) Retinal macroaneurysm (5) CNVM (6) Retinal telangiectasia
Differential diagnosis of 34 yo male noted on routine eye exam to have CWS in one eye.
(1) DR (2) Hypertensive (3) Ischaemic - retinal vein occlusion or severe anaemia (4) Infectious - HIV, bartonella (5) Neoplastic - lymphoma/leukaemia
List 3 fundus findings in cone dystrophy.
(1) Bull’s eye maculopathy (2) Diffuse pigment granularity of posterior pole (3) Progressive RPE atrophy with geographic atrophy (4) Golden sheen in X-linked cone dystrophy