vsa Flashcards
A 50 yearoldman with a history of type 2 diabetes presents with left sided weakness and a headache. Examination reveals brisk reflexes in the left arm.
A.mgraine B. GBS c. brain tumour D. stroke E. MS
A 50yearold male presents with severe epigastric pain. He has had a similar episode in the past and he admits to drinking an excess of alcohol, and smoking a pack per day.
Cholecystitis Acute inferior MI Peptic ulcer disease basal pneumonia acute pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis
A 40yearold man presents with collapse and loss of consciousness witnessed by his wife. The episode lasted 3 minutes. He felt dizzy for a few seconds prior to the event and had some jerky movements during the event. He recovered spontaneously and was not confused afterwards. He had no previous cardiac history and in fact had never seen a doctor
Arrhythmia seizure TIA hypoglycaemia vasovagal attack
Vasovagal attack
A 24 year old female presents with severe right sided back and abdominal pain and a
fever. She has no other previous medical or travel history.
Hepatitis Campylobacter inf actue pyelonephritis Acute cholecystitis Peptic Ulcer
Acute pyelonephritis
A 50year old woman presents with a severe headache and photophobia. Examination reveals brisk reflexes.
Extrdural haemorrhage subdural haemorrhage SAH Encephalitis Meningitis
A 50yearold smoker presents with lobar pneumonia. Examination reveals dullness at the right base with increased tactile vocal fremitus
Ecoli Mycoplasma Legionella Strep Haemophilius
Strep pneumoniae
Abdominal examination of a 70year old breathless man of no fixed abode reveals a palpable spleen. He is known to drink heavily and has had an anterior myocardial infarction previously.
Portal hypertensionSchistosomiasis
Portal HTN
A 50yearold woman presents with left calf swelling and tenderness. She has had a recent fracture and has been immobile. Her past medical history includes osteoarthritis. She has smoked 30/day for the last 30 years, but does not drink alcohol.
Baker's cyst rupture Liver failure DVT Cardiac failure Cellulitis
A 45yearold woman presents with a 1 day history of dizziness on standing up and vomiting. She had been started on a tricyclic antidepressant by her GP two weeks ago. Her past medical history includes type 2 diabetes diagnosed 4 years ago and treated with metformin.
Diabetic neuropathy side effect of TCA side effectof metformin Amyloidosis Hypovolaemia secondary to gastroenteritis
Side effect to TCA
A 35yearold male intravenous drug abuser is admitted to Casualty with a 3 day history of yellow discolouration of his skin, flulike symptoms and nausea. On examination, he is cachectic and jaundiced, with smooth, tender hepatomegaly.
Paracetamol Alcoholic liver disease Gilberts Hep C HIV
Hep c
Loud pansystolic murmur at the apex
mitral regurg
ejection systolic murmur
aortic stenosis
irregularly ireg pulse
slow rising pulse
Aortic stenosis
collapsin pulse
Aortic regurgitation
Very loud S1
Mitral stenosis
early diastolic murmur at left sternal edge
Aortic regugitation
Tapping apex beat
Mitral stenosis
A 60 year old man complains of breathlessness, and has a third heart sound. What is the cause of a third heart sound?
A third heart sound is caused by rapid ventricular filling during normal diastole BEFORE the atrium contracts (which would cause a fourth heart sound if there is any stiffness). This occurs when the ventricle is dilated due to cardiac failure
Cannon waves @neck
Complete heart block
only condition where the atrium can contract when the tricuspid valve is closed (randomly) because the atria and ventricles are contracting at different rates. When they both contract together, the tricuspid valve will be closed and if the atria contract at the same time, the blood of the atrium can only rush upwards. This is much more intense than the v-wave of tricuspid regurgitation
Low pitched rumbling mid diastolic
mitral stenosis
Examination reveals reduced expansion on the left side with dullness to percussion and increased tactile vocal resonance (when he says “99”)
pneumonia (consolidation)
- A 25 year old comes to casualty with Expiratory wheezes. What is the likely diagnosis?
acute severe asthma
- A 45 year old patient complains of a cough that lasts for 3 months every winter for the last three years. What is the likely diagnosis?
chronic bronchitis, exacerbation of COPD
A 30 year old is on the oral contraceptive pill and becomes suddenly breathless. Examination of the respiratory system is normal.
Examination reveals reduced expansion on the left side with dullness to percussion and reduced tactile vocal resonance (when he says “99”).
left sided pleural effusion
A 45 year old patient complains that they cough up a pot of purulent sputum every day. Examination reveals course crackles.
Bronchiectasis caused by CF
- A 65 year old complains of breathlessness and has fine crepitations at both bases.
Pulmonary oedema or pulmonary fibrosis
- A tall 19 year old suddenly complains of breathlessness and left sided chest pain
- A 55 year old with known lung cancer complains of a swollen leg and then suddenly becomes breathless.