Volume D Flashcards
Diver Training hours per year
Office personnel/40 hr, training hours per year
Probationary FF driver training
28 hrs by 10 Months
FF Specialist driver training program
40 hrs
Prob. FF driving form that must be completed by road test
Form 202T
Prob. FF can drive EST, Patrol, Utility without SUP. But….
No Code R
Prob. FF tiller training only with
Non Prob. FF Qualified
Prob. FF notification of completed approved driving capabilities
Station and Card File
Pre Trip should be completed in _____ Min.
Pre Trip is performed _____
What is performed before starting an unattended vehicle
Circle of Safty
Slack Adjusters should move less than ____ when brake are applied
2 “
Testing Hydraulic breaks, pump ____ and hold ____
3 times, 5 seconds
Static test loss rate per min. For single vehicle ___, combo ___
2psi., 3psi.
Applied brake test loss per min. Single ___ , Combo ___
3psi., 4psi
Air leaks over ___ lbs per hr. Report to duty mechanic
120 lbs
Air compressor gov. cut out: starts at ___, stops at ___.
85psi., 130psi.
Low pressure warning signal comes on between ___
Record info for pre trip on ___ and sign on ___
Form AL6a & AL6B
Assignment Record (stay with Apparatus)
AL 3
Apparatus info Record (Stays with Apparatus)
AL 5
Repair Record (5 Years)
AL 6A & 6B
6A Apparatus Daily Checklist
6B Equipment Daily Checklist (Both 5 Yr)
AL 7
Mileage Record (1yr)
AL 8
Fuel and Oil (1yr)
AL 9A & 9B
9A Lubrication Record (5 yrs)
9B Aerial Lubrication Record (5 yrs)