Volume Contraction and Hypernatremia Flashcards
Adaption to ECF depletion
Vasoconstriction - high catecholamines and vasopressin (ADH)
Na and water retention (low UNa and high U osm)
Increase symp activity
Increased RASS
INcreased arginine vasopressin release
Decreased natriuretic peptides
Sx of ECF depletion
Delay in cap refill Tachycardic Post hypotension low JVP Oliguria
Cyanosis, poor turgor, supine hypotension signs of severe
ECF volume depletion from renal causes
Diuretics use/abuse, renal tubular defects, or lack of aldosterone all impair Na reabsorption…urinary Na would be high DESPITE hypovolemia
Major nonrenal and renal causes of ECF depletion
Non-renal (usually U Na <20)
GI losses, hemorrhage, sweat/burn, third space sequestration
Renal - usually U Na over 20
Renal Tubular disordrs
Hormonal disturbances - mineralcorticoid def, diabetes
Lab of ECV depletion
Hemoconcentration (high hemoglobin and high albumin)
Decreased GFR (prerenal azotemia)
High BUN/Cr ratio (enhanced urea reasborption due to slow urine flow)
Concentratrated urine (specific gravity over 1,015, osm over 450) with hyaline casts
Hypernatremia…hypo if volume loss replaced by hypotonic solution
Avid renal reabsorption…U Na and Cl <10 meq
FEna under 1%
Hyaline cast means
Concentrated urine and high urinary protein
High BUN/creatinine ratio
Prerenal azotemia (low flow) Protein loading GI bleed Catabolic steroids Tetracycline
Tx of ECF volume depletion in this patient
Increase ECF volume
INcrease IC fluid lilely to be present as well
Reduce plasma osmolarity
Physiologic (isotonic) 0.9% saline will restore volume without further increasing osmolarity…once stable, switch to hyhpotonic saline
General principles of ECV depletion
Correct hypovolemia with volume expanders…gentler in elderly or cardiac hx
Replace deficits
Replace H2O def
Replace on going fluid losses with solution of similar composition (usually 0.45% saline)…replace other electrolytes
Causes of prerenal azotemia
Intravascular volume depletion
Decreased cardiac output (CHF)
Decreased SVR (drugs, sepsis, anaphylaxis, liver)
Renal vasoconstriction (drugs, sepsis, liver failure, hypercalcemia)
Abnormal renal autoregulation (ACEI/ARB/NSIAD) with dec perfusion
How to calculate H2O def
Solute free water is equally distributed in all body compartments
EC Na concentration reflects total body water content
TBW = BW*.6
% increadse in plasma Na = (current Na/normal Na)
Total H2O def = TBW*%increase in plasma Na
Danger of giving patient fluid
Can cause cerebral edema
Gave pt a hypotonic solution so water rushed into the cell
Swelling of the cells
Look for papilledema
Diff of hypernatremia
Water or hypotnic fluid loss (w/out replacemet)
Insensible and sweat losses, GI loss, diabetes insipidus, osmotic diuresis, abnorma thirst mech
Sodium overload - hypertonic saline
Tx of hypernatremia
FIRST correct hypoveolmia with 0.9% saline
Then slowly replace water deficit…avoid Na reduction by more than 12 meq.day