Volume 2 COPY COPY Flashcards
Vacancies filled on seniority as follows
Grade, Rank, Time
Grievance is a dispute concerning the interpretation of the MOU or Rules and Reg governing?
Working conditions and Personnel practices
Red ink is used when—
PRD drivers license restriction F-2 Journal F-8 address change councilmanic comaplaint F-334
Grievance Forms
F-226-A - Report of informal grievance discussion F-226 -b - Statement of grievance formal F226-C - Reply to statement of grievance
Volume 2
Unless notified that “on-call” status has been extended, “on-call” status fo morning appearance shall terminate at 1100 hours and afternoon “on-call” status shall terminate at 1600 hours.
Volume 2
It is Department policy that all members participate in the organized mess, unless officially excused. The following procedure is intended as a guideline for excusing a member from the organized mess.
- The Division Commander is the official authority for approving requests.
- Each request is to be evaluated as to need and intent.
- Approvals will expire 6 months after issued and must be renewed if still required.
- The following reason may be justification for exclusion
Letter from private or City physician, stating need for a special diet and exclusion from the organized mess.
C. PROCEDURE - When a member has a valid need for exclusion from the mess, they shall forward an F-225 to the Division Commander, THROUGH CHANNELS, stating the reason and attaching any proof of need required.
Volume 2
the Station Commander should be notified of any member that has failed to make a payment for ___ or more shifts.
Volume 2
Extended leaves shall mean:
Military leave - long term (more than 30 days)
Civil service leave (in excess of 15 days)
Disciplinary leave (in excess of 15 days)
Family Leave
Volume 2
Normally, advance notice of 72 hours is required.
Regardless of the number of children in the family, employees can take off up to 40 hours per school year, but not more than 12 hours in any given month of the school year.
Volume 2
Length of hair on back of the head shall not extend over the top of the collar of the dress uniform when standing
with the head erect.
Hair may cover part of the ear, but the lower one (1) inch of the ear (when measured from the bottom of the ear) must
remain exposed.
Hair bulk shall not exceed one and one-half(1 1/2) inches in depth, tapering at the sides and back to a maximum depth of one(1) inch at the top of the collar when in dress uniform and a maximum of one-fourth(1/4) of an inch beyond the outer edge of the ear.
Volume 2
Sideburns shall be well groomed, neatly trimmed, and shall not extend beyond the inner seal of a properly worn breathing apparatus facepiece.
Sideburns shall not extend below a horizontal line level with the bottom point of the ear when the head is erect.
Moustaches shall not cover the upper lip, shall be well groomed, neatly trimmed, and shall not protrude beyond the natural facial “smile” crease, nor extend beyond one half (1/2)of an inch below the corner of the mouth. Extreme styling of moustaches is not permitted.
With the exception of the facial hair growth permitted above, all members shall be clean shaven by 0800 hours and at any other time when
reporting for duty or when representing the Department.
Volume 2
When members are standing in a natural upright position, the tie should reach within 1” of the belt buckle.
Volume 2
When the jacket is worn out of quarters or when in public view:
The zipper shall be open no lower than the bottom of the shirt breast pocket.
Volume 2
Station commanders shall normally cause all members to arise no later than 0630 hours.
Volume 2
In the hill-side areas of the City, the blue reflectors are located on the street pavement to indicate all hydrant
locations, while in the flatland areas the reflectors shall be used to indicate only mid-block hydrant locations, or
hydrant locations that are obstructed from view.