Volume 1 Flashcards
According toe the rules of conduct, members shall not engage in any activity that is detrimental to the department, engage in a conflict of interest to the department of use their position with the department for personal gain or influence, fight or ______.
abuse their sick leave
in most cases minor job performance problems can be resolved by the supervisor bringing the problem toe the attention of the employee, and the employee making the proper modification in his/her performance. When a serious job performance problem is identified, the supervisor bus decide whether to solve it through training, _____ non-disciplinary counseling, or disciplinary action.
employee assistance services
After considering all available information, the officer investigating a citizen’s complaint will make one of the following findings: exonerated, unfounded, not-sustained or sustained. A finding of exonerated means _____.
the act occurred but was justified, lawful and proper
Acceptable Driving Record: Means that the driving record of the employee has __ points or less for the previous 12 months, or 16 points or less for the previous 36 months (as defined by the department of transportation, motor vehicle division)
A member who determines he/she is to ill to work shall make notification no later than __ hours on the day the sick leave is to begin.
A member on sick leave must remain at home in a recuperative manner. Time to consult with a physician or to obtain medicine will be allowed. Other exceptions may be allowed with prior approval from _____
Their Battalion Chief
When a member needs to make arrangements for home care of a family member or to cope with a minor or short term emergency, a maximum of _____ hours of sick leave will be allowed. The use of accumulated vacation, compensatory time, or unpaid leave may be approved for the remainder of the time required to secure the situation.
The failure of a member sho has signed an AWR lip to provide relief will result in a loss of vacation time equal to ___, and may result in the loss of the emypolyee’s AWR privilege.
the cost of filling that position
All vehicle accidents involving Fire Department vehicles must be reported to the Alarm Headquarters immediately after the accident. This report to the Dispatch Center will include: your unit ID or apparatus number, your exact location, and indication of the need for additional medical assistance, an estimate of the extent and nature of vehicle damage or injuries, _____ and indication of need for a cover assignment
an indication as to whether or not your apparatus/vehicle is drivable
Fire department personnel shall wear hearing protection whenever exposed to noise at or above __ decibels.