Volume 1 Flashcards
Who establishes the Manual of Operations?
The Fire Chief
What routes of response should Co’s take during civil unrest?
Varying routes as to minimize problems
What mode of response are Move Ups?
Non-emergency, unless directed by MFC
What mode of response for specialized CO’s, I.e., HR, HEOs?
Non-emergency, unless directed by MFC or the IC
Single unit companies must stop at what?
All red lights and stop signs
When multiple Co’s responding, who shall stop?
First resource
What may following resources do beyond the first Co.?
Roll through
What is the exception to stopping at intersections?
Intersections controlled by a traffic officer
How many feet wide must a street be to require no parking on ONE side of the street?
More than 20, no more than 28
How many feet wide must a street be to require NO parking on both sides of the street?
Less than 20
How many feet wide must a street be to allow parking on BOTH sides?
More that 28
Lights and sirens shall be used on all emergency responses except what?
Responses on freeway
What is a category A assignment?
1 LF 3 E 1 RA 1 800 1 EMS 1 BC
What is a category B assignment?
2 LF 4 E 1 RA 1 800 1 EMS 1 BC
What is the required fire flow for an A assignment?
Less the 4500GPM
What is the required fire flow for a B assignment?
4500 GPM or more
How is fire flow calculated?
(2) 250 GPM lines per company
Who has the authority to split engine companies?
When is a engine company permitted to operate only with three members?
Only to save a life, or, if lack of action would bring discredit to the department
Who can close companies longer than two hours?
Who must be notified before closing a RA or PA to staff a fire resource?
If responding to a known trouble area during Tactical Alert, what must be requested?
LAPD, through MFC, to “meet the FD”
Who delineates perimeter during Tactical Alert?
Who requests activation of the EOC?
FC or DDC through Mayor’s Office or Police Chief
What penal code allows Arson to carry firearms?
Where must Air operations remain during Tactical Alert?
One mile outside civil unrest area
What channel is used for EMS size-ups?
Tac 10
When acting as captain, you must yield to who?
Any regularly appointed officer
What BC will be dispatched to an incident?
Administrative, then closest
For a HAZMAT spill on city streets, who is in charge?
What DC will be dispatched, and to what incidents?
Administrative, then closest, and all Greater alarms
At what type of incidents shall the location of the command post be announced?
All greater alarms and major emergencies
If ARFF or CRASH resources are needed, how are they obtained?
Request through MFC, TFC at 80’s and 90’s will provide list of available companies
Who is the Deputy Department Commander?
A chief deputy, or deputy chief, usually ESB chief
What is DDC’s responsibility?
Recall, and outside agency requests (above A assignment)
Members waiting assignment, other than company commanders, shall wait where?
at their apparatus
Who is responsible for safety at emergencies?
All members
When shall RIC be established?
If any fire companies are requested above initial assignment
What is a Greater Alarm?
More than 6 Co’s (a B assignment)
What is added by MFC with more than 6 companies?
USAR group, additional EMS, additional TAC
When should IC designate a 2nd RIC Company?
ASAP after 1st RIC company is deployed
Apparatus shall not be _____ at fires, roadways, hydrants, railroad tracks.
If blocked, what must be immediately available?
A competent driver
A SIG alert should be issued if streets are closed for greater than how long?
30 minutes
Fire pumps shall not be operated dry for more than how long?
30 secconds
Who guides members during aerial ladder operations?
Company commander, or certified operator
Ladder pipe shall be attached with what tip?
1 3/4” (800 GPM)
Tip may be changed on scene up to what size?
2” (1000 GPM), or turbomaster
What is the GPM of the turbomaster spray nozzle?
Who is responsible for ladderpipe tip size?
Task force commander
Wagon batteries must be equipped with what?
1 1/2” SBT or 500 GPM or larger Fog Hog, or variable spray tip
What tip may companions equip their wagon batteries with if they regularly respond to grass?
5/8” SBT
When may other tips be used?
ONS, at discretion of IC, or captain
When may hose be driven over?
Only in cases of absolute necessity
Aggravated cases must be reported to who?
Arson section, within 24 hours
If hose is driven over by unauthorized vehicle, request who?
If any member is harassed ONS, an f225 shall be sent to who?
Commander, arson section
When shall exterior standpipes be used?
Above 3rd floor, when practical
Fire debris shall not be thrown from heights unless
Essential in extinguishment of fire
Who shall perform apparatus inventory before leaving incident?
Company commander
If equipment is missing, who shall be notified?
Administrative BC
Backfiring is only allowed with approval from who?
What is permitted by members in repairing inoperable fire alarm systems?
ONLY broken glass replacement, or using of the RESET button
When receiving an alert for a move up, or assignment, who may change into working uniform and prepare themselves?
Who may self dispatch to emergencies?
Members w/ assigned duties, members with inspection responsibilities, or for highly unusual incidents, all members but must check in with the IC
Who is responsible for reporting, in writing, to the Fire Chief, members who perform meritorious act?
All officers
What four progress reports shall be made to MFC?
Upon arrival, comprehensive size-up, updated size-up, available resources
What are the proper terms for PD requests?
Meet, Back-up, Assistance, Help
Authorization by country flood district is required for sandbag requests in excess of how many bags?
What are the three chlorine kit sizes?
“A” 100-150lb, “B” 1 ton container, “C” tank car and tank trucks
Connecting of hydrant to supply piping systems requires the approval of who?
Any chief officer
Inquiries into breaks in sewage lines should be referred to who?
Bureau of sanitation
What type of extinguisher shall be used on US Postal boxes?
CO2 or Dry Chem
Who has responsibility to determine cause of fire?
Cause determination is categorized into one of what four categories?
Incendiary, suspicious, undetermined, other known causes
A-unit notification required at an undetermined fire when dollar loss is in excess of?
We-tip posters shall be posted no more than?
90 days
What designates a heli-spot?
12A in triangle for B12, first helispot
What designates a staging area?
S12A in circle, for B12 first staging
Who is in charge of helicopters at incidents?
If difficulty in contacting helicopters, what may be used?
E90, or commander of Air Ops
Who determines response mode of specialty companies….I.e, Hook, EA1?
Requesting member
What are the LAFD state mutual aid #’s?
If MFC forms S/T, TTF, MTF, or TF, what numbers?
If IC forms S/T, TTF, MTF, or TF, what numbers?
If a C1 will be responding on the truck for a specified amount of time, who must be notified?
Concerned BC
What is the difference between S/T1001 and LFD S/T1001?
LFD used when responding outside city
Dept personnel may not contact any previous patient without approval from who?
Administrative Ops Cheif Deputy
What is the maximum commitment of engine co’s outside the city for brush?
When 10 or more Co’s are dispatched outside city, the ratio of BC’s to Co’s shall be what?
1BC to 5 Fire Co’s
When back filling other agencies stations, the city resources should not exceed what?
50% of the normal, on duty resources
When will an EMS Captain be dispatched?
If 3 or more ambulances, or 2 or more paramedic ambulances
What is the definition of greater alarm?
Fire CO’s more than 6, less then 16
When will a safety officer be dispatched?
10 Fire Co’s or more
What is the definition of major emergency?
More than 15 Fire Co’s
How many positions on an LAFD IMT?
How many EOC activation levels are there?
Levels 1,2 and 3
How many members for each level?
4, 7, 11
When responding to an escalating incident, report to who?
Base/staging on Div Tac
During business hours, who implements recall?
Underground tanks unit
If after hours, who?
An MFC dispatcher and a Fire Co
How many phases of recall are there?
What is level 1?
What is level 2? (Limited recall)
41-71 Co’s, or 20-25 RA’s
What is level 2? (Shift Recall)
72-100 Co’s, or 26-39 RA’s
What is level 4? (Department wide recall)
100+ Co’s or 39+ RA’s
If it is obvious that reporting to work is required and there are no communications, report to where?
Dodger Stadium
Who is ineligible for Recall?
SK, SP, Leave no pay, ACCT