volleyball Flashcards
How many players are on each team
Volleyball is played with 6 players per side.
What do you want to do when the ball is below your shoulders
You want to “BUMP” the ball when it is below your shoulders.
What do you do when the ball is above your shoulders
You want to “SET” the ball when it is above your shoulders.
What is a spike
A “SPIKE” is when a player strikes the ball downward on the opponent’s side of the court.
what is the Ideal return method
The ideal return method is BUMP, SET and SPIKE.
how do you serve
You can serve overhand or underhand.
what can the opposing team do during a serve
The opposing team cannot block or attack a serve.
where do you serve
You can serve anywhere behind the back line.
what is the height of the net
The height of the volleyball net is 7’4”in Junior High School
What is a ACE
An “ACE” is when the ball is served and hits the floor before a player gets to the ball.
Can you touch the net
You cannot touch the net when ball is in play with any part of your body.
if the ball hits the boundary line is it in play
If the ball hits a boundary line it is in play.
Can you kick the volley ball
A player may strike the ball with any part of their body to get the ball over the net, including their feet.
how is it played
The game is played by rally score to a score of 25; a team must win by 2.
What is Rally Scoring
Rally Score is when every serve counts for a point.