Volksgemeinschaft Flashcards
Four major themes that recur in nazi progagnda?
the community before the individual - Volkgemeinschaft
the need for racial purity
a hatred of enemies
charismatic leadership
What did this desire for unity draw its strength from?
an idealised past rather than a present
a people’s community
spirit of august 1914 it seemed the war had created a sense of solidarity in which social class antagonisms were transcended by some entirely fictitious volksgemeinschaft
Why was Burgfrieden only superficial?
could not survive a long war
Was there a revivial of the spirit of 1914?
no, the superficial harmony of 1914 was a far cry from the volksgemeinschaft invoked by the nazis
What schemes did the propaganda focus on?
Nazi welfare services
Strength through Joy
Winter Aid
Strength through Joy?
the labour front’s Agency for programmed leisure
Give an example of how propaganda eulogised the Volksgemeinschaft?
newsreels showed happy workers enjoying cruise holidays and visiting the people’s theatre for the first time
What was the role of the radio in eulogising Volksgemeinschaft?
the radio bombarded the public’s social conscience with charitable appeals
What was the role of the press?
stressed the value of belonging to a Volksgemeinschaftand the need for self-sacrifice in the interests of the state
Three things that symbolised the achievements of the Volksgemeinschaft?
cheap cinema tickets
cheap radio
cheap volkswagen
What was a powerful tool in encouraging people to associate with national community?
the exclusion of non-germans (slavs, jews( hoosexuals, handicapped was a powerful tool because people would feel more inclined to associate with the National Coomunity to avoid prsecution
What was membership for the NSDAP in 1933, 39 and 44?
1933 850,000
1939 5300,000
1944 8000,000
What was membership of the DAF in 1933, 39 and 44?