Volcanoes Small Case Studies Examples Flashcards
What is Mount Etna known for?
Violent behaviour and constant activity. Lava moves at 6 feet an hour.
Ash has been found near Rome, 500 miles away.
What is the significance of Mount Etna in Europe?
It is the highest volcano in Europe and has created fertile soil.
What happened to Pompeii due to Mount Vesuvius?
Pompeii was covered in thick ash and Mount Vesuvius has been dormant since 1944.
What type of volcano is Mount St. Helens?
It is a strato volcano.
What major event occurred at Mount St. Helens?
A 9.4 magnitude earthquake triggered a sideways eruption and landslide at 150 mph.
What is a notable characteristic of Mount St. Helens?
It has a growing bulge of 5 feet a day and is popular with nature lovers and tourists.
What is the pyroclastic flow temperature at Mount St. Helens?
The pyroclastic flow can reach 350°C and travel 230 miles.
What was the last massive eruption in history?
Mount Tambora in Indonesia in 1815, which had a significant economic impact.
What nickname is given to Lake Nyos?
“The silent killer” due to a tragic gas release incident in 1986.
What happened during the Lake Nyos incident?
A dense cloud of CO2 rose from the lake, suffocating 1200-1800 people while they slept.
What was the impact of the eruption at Nevado Del Ruiz?
Lahars swept through Armero, burying it under 6 feet of debris and killing 20,000 people.
What is Kilauea known as?
‘The island maker’ and is the world’s most active volcano.
What geological feature is Surtsey associated with?
It is known as ‘The birth of an island’ and formed during a hydrovolcanic eruption in 1963.
What significant event occurred at Mount Pinatubo in 1991?
One of the biggest eruptions of the 20th century, leading to the evacuation of 60,000 people.
What is Yellowstone National Park known for?
It is America’s first national park and has a caldera 40 miles across and 20 miles wide.
What would be the impact of a Yellowstone eruption today?
It could result in hundreds of thousands of deaths and a 5-degree global temperature drop.