Volcanoes explained Flashcards
subdivision (noun)
A part or parts of something bigger
Synonyms: division, section, segment
The subdivisions of a city.
to spew (verb)
Expel large quantities of (something) rapidly and forcibly.
Synonyms: emit, discharge, eject, expel,pour out, spout
The volcano spew a lot of lava .
to evacuate (verb)
Remove (someone) from a place of danger to a safer place.
Synonyms: remove, clear, ask people to leave, force people to leave
The typhoon was so strand that people had to be evacuated to another part of the city.
resident (noun)
A person who lives somewhere for a longer time.
Synonyms: inhabitant, local
I have been a resident of this city for three years.
typical (adjective)
Having the qualities of a particular type of person or thing.
Synonyms: normal, average, ordinary, standard, regular
He is a typical secondary school student, he likes to play football and study sciences.
to simmer (verb)
A liquid that stays just below boiling point while bubbling gently.
Synonyms: boil gently, cook gently, stew, poach
The lava simmers inside the volcano.
to bubble (verb)
Action of water starting to boil, when bubbles form in it.
Synonyms: blister
The water is bubbling, we can cook the noodles soon.
eruption (noun)
A sudden outbreak of something, typically something unwelcome or noisy.
Synonyms: emission, explosion
The volcano frequently erupted for the past 50 years.
mile (noun)
A unit to measure distance (1 mile = 1.609km)
The distance from my house to the school is about 3 miles.
summit (noun)
The highest point of a hill or mountain.
Synonyms: peak, mountaintop
She climbed all the way to the summit to view the landscape.
scientist (noun)
A person who is studying or has expert knowledge of one or more of the natural or physical sciences.
Synonyms: researcher, technologist
The scientists could not foresee the eruption, it happened very sudden.
slight (adjective)
A litte amount of something.
Synonyms: little, tiny
There was a slight change in his mood, now he does not want to study anymore.
to decrease (verb)
Make or become smaller or fewer in size or amount.
Synonyms: essen, become less, grow less, become smaller, grow smaller, reduce
Winter is coming, therefore, the daily temperature decreases.
to force (verb)
Make a way through or into by physical strength; break open by force.
Synonyms: break open, force open, burst open
He forced the blocked door open with all his strength.
surface (noun)
The outside part or uppermost layer of something.
Synonyms: outside
The screen of my Laptop is the surface I work on.
likely (adjective)
Such as well might happen or be true; probable.
Synonyms: possible, credible, plausible, believable, imaginable
Dark clouds are moving across the sky, it is most likely going to rain tonight.
to lull (verb)
Calm or send to sleep, typically with soothing sounds or movements.
Synonyms: soothe, quiet, hush, lullaby
The mum calms the crying baby down by lulling it to sleep.
similar (adjective)
Having a resemblance in appearance, character, or quantity, without being identical.
Synonyms: alike, comparable, like
My friends sisters look very similar though they are not twins.
to wind down (verb)
Something gradually loses power.
Synonyms: lessen
The storm will wind down during the next few hours.
temporary (adjective)
Lasting for only a limited period of time; not permanent..
Synonyms: non-permanent, short-term, brief, short-lived, momentary
His illness is only temporary, he will be good again next week.
continuously (adjective)
Something is kept being done.
Synonyms: always, again and again, consecutively
The vulcano continuously erupts.
constantly (adjective)
Something goes on and on and on.
Synonyms: not changing, staying the same, continuing without pause, not stopping
Driving at a constant speed saves gas.
to melt (verb)
Something (e.g. chocolate) changes its physical state from solid to liquid.
Synonyms: to dissolve, to be liquefied, to fuse
When the sun becomes stronger in spring, the snow melts to water and disappears.
rather (adverb)
prefer doing something compared to the other options presented.
Synonyms: preferably, instead
Since it is raining, I would rather eat dinner at home than going to a restaurant.
impact (noun)
The influence of one thing on another.
Synonyms: influence, collision, effect
The teachers angry outburst had a negative impact on the students behavior.
to ooze (verb)
(of moisture, liquid, etc.) to flow or pass slowly or gradually:
Synonyms: to exude
Water was oozing from her shoes after the heavy rain.
geological (adjective)
Description of something related to the science that deals with the dynamics and physical history of the earth, the rocks of which it is composed, and the physical, chemical, and biological changes that the earth has undergone or is undergoing.
Synonyms: /
The researchers went Australia to take geological samples.
hazard (noun)
Something causing danger.
Synonyms: danger
A typhoon is a hazard to humans and animals causing many casualties every year.
geologist (noun)
A person who specializes in geologic research and study.
Synonyms: /
The geologist spend a whole day at the crater of the volcano to take samples.
coordinator (noun)
Someone who organizes things.
Synonyms: Organizer
The school coordinator had to change the timetable because one of the teachers resigned.
to crack (verb)
To break without separation of parts or (cause to) become marked by lines that indicate a break.
Synonyms: to break
Shortly before the volcanoes eruption, the floor around the crater cracked.
to confine (verb)
To enclose within bounds.
Synonyms: to circumscribe
She confined her remarks to errors in the report.
to surround (verb)
To enclose on all sides.
Synonyms: to encircle
The troops surrounded the village.
to occur (verb)
Something happens.
Synonyms: to happen, to appear, to take place
The accident occurred last night.