volcanoes and Mountains Flashcards
a large intrusive igneous rock formed when magma cools under ground.
After a volcano erupts, the top collapses into a partially emptied magma chamber.
Cinder cone
Throws lava into the air where it hardens.
Composite volcano
has altering layers of lava and tephra-blows quietly or loud.
squeezed into a vertical crack which then hardens.
hot spot
areas in Earth’s mantle is hotter than neighboring areas =forming melted rock that rises toward the crust.
Dome of rock formed from a sill that continued to push rock layers.
Pacific Ring of Fire
area around the Pacific Plate where volcanoes and earthquakes are common.
Shield volcano
flows quietly, has basaltic lava.
Magma squeezed into a horizontal crack then hardens.
different sized volcanic material, varies size from ash to bombs.
Volcanic neck
Magma that hardens inside a vent, outer rock eroded away exposing a solid igneous rock core.
Is an opening in Earth’s surface that forms Mountains when layer of lava and volcanic ash erupts.
Seduction zone
1 plate slides under another, where the plates move together.
Divergent boundary
area where Earth’s plate boundaries are moving apart.
Folded mountain
Created when rock layers are squeezed from opposite sides, causing them to to buckle and fold.
Where plates separate they form long deep cracks.
Upwarped Mt.
formed when earth’s crust is pushed up and eroded forming sharp peaks and ridges.
An opening in Earth’s surface which lava, ash, cinders,smoke, steam can go through.
The steep walled depression at the top of a volcanic vent.