Volcanic Case Studies (1) Flashcards
What causes Strombolian volcanism?
The ascent and bursting of a large gas bubble that we call a gas slug.
Which two ways can a gas slug form?
- Bubbles can coalesce within a conduit. Eventually they grow large enough to form a gas slug.
- Bubbles can collect at the top of the magma chamber. Eventually the bubbles will enter a conduit as a gas slug,
Where is the best example of Strombolian activity?
Stromboli, a small island off the coast of Sicily
What is the nickname for Stromboli?
“The Lighthouse of the Mediterranean”
What is the population of Stromboli?
500 people
How often do Strombolian explosions occur and wherein the Volcano do they occur? (In Stromboli)
Once every 5-10 minutes at the summit
How regularly have Strombolian explosions occurred in Stromboli?
Consistently every 5-10 minutes for the last two milennia
Why is it important to monitor the Strombolian explosions in Stromboli?
The volcano sometimes produces much larger eruptions which involve hazards such as ash fall, tsunamis and volcanic bombs.
What regularly interrupts the quiescent (passive degassing) in Stromboli?
Strombolian explosions
Are Strombolian explosions usually hazardous in Stromboli?
Not really, Sometimes they are ashy but they are often ash fre, However sometimes we can see an eruption column, ash fall and pyroclastic density currents.
What piece of equipment is used to monitor Stromboli?
UV camera
How does the UV camera work?
- Capture two images of the plume with separate cameras (One at a setting where sulphur dioxide absorbs and one where it doesn’t)
- Mathematically combine the two images to produce a single image with relative concentrations of sulphur dioxide recorded.
- Image calibration
- Produce a graph
- The values in the original image can be converted to actual sulphur dioxide values.
What three things can you do with the values gathered from UV cameras?
- Estimate the mass of gas slugs
- Explore links with other signals e.g. seismic
- Monitor gas flow over time to see if the information can be used to predict a bigger eruption
Why are UV cameras so significant?
They are the only way we can measure gas during Strombolian explosions
What did computer simulations of gas slug flow show?
That gas mass could be lost from a gas slug
How did the UV camera help with computer simulations?
The simulations were only possible due to time resolution of the UV camera
What did the measuring of gas at Stromboli help with forecasting?
Discovery of a very large increase in CO2 flux before a major explosive event. Discovered by DOAS and Multi-GAS measurements.
What are UV cameras compared with in order to monitor volcanic processes?
Volcanic datasets (e.g. seismic) and computer simulations
What type of `volcano is Mt Etna?
Where is Mt Etna located?
Mainland Sicily (Italy)
Which towns are located in the flanks of Mt Etna?
Catania, Nicolosi and Zafferana
Which types of activity are seen at Mt Etna?
Passive Degassing, Lava Flows, Strombolian explosions, lava fountains
How regularly do Strombolian explosions occur at Mt Etna?
Gas slugs burst every 4-30 seconds
How did UV cameras help at Mt Etna?
A pattern was evident amongst the Strombolian explosions. This showed evidence of interacting slugs. This helped with understanding the transition of volcanic activity.
What two things have been shown to be linked due to studies at Mt Etna?
Gas Flux and Seismicity
Why is studying Mt Etna particularly important?
Perfect for studying activity transitions.
What two features of the UV camera make them so important?
Rapid time and spacial resolutions
What two other methods of study are combined with evidence from UV cameras in order to unlock more information about the processes within a magma?
Lab experiments and computer simulations
How do we use UV cameras to help understand more about a volcanic system?
Compare with other volcanic signals (e.g. seismic)