Vol 3 Flashcards
How many personnel are required (when they are available) to remove or install a dump truck tailgate?
When properly equipped, a front-end loader can perform tasks associated with each of the following operations except?
a. dozer jobs.
b. scraper jobs.
c. trailer operations.
d. clamshell operations.
Trailer Operations
What function can the front-end loader not perform when equipped with a multipurpose bucket?
What front-end loader bucket control is used to raise and lower the bucket?
Lift Control Lever
Which method do you use to pick up materials from a stockpile with a front-end loader?
What happens if material is worked too much when stockpiling with a front-end loader?
Segregations takes place
What happens if you release the skid-steer loader the travel controls levers?
The equipment will stop moving
How do you ensure good sweeping action and avoid bystanders or damaging equipment when using the skid-steer loader with the sweeper attachment?
Use a broom pattern two to three inches wide.
How are most attachments controlled once the auxiliary hydraulics are activated in the skid-steer loader?
Toggle switches on the travel controls
The attachment of a rear-mounted ripper to a dozer does not seriously affect the
maneuverability of the dozer.
You would use the side-by-side dozing method only for hauls of at least
50 feet
What dozing method are you performing when you use the spillage from the first few passes of a dozer to build windrows that hold the earth in front of the blade?
Slot dozing
How do you remove stumps with a dozer?
Cut the roots of the stamp and push it out
How far from the construction stakes do you line up your dozer when building a V-shaped ditch?
Two Feet
What speed and capacity is best when performing finishing work with a dozer?
Highest speed possible with the blade at least half full of material
What happens if you stockpile aggregate blends of material (course and fine particles) in a cone-shaped mound (sloping sides)?
Particle segregation can occur.
What two main elements cause erosion on a berm?
Weather and Rodents
What type of connection do we use to tow equipment with a dozer
Tongue and Drawbar
Why do you clean the mud out of the tracks of your dozer?
- To keep Rollers form freezing in place
- To find Lube points
- Keep Rollers from flat spots
Why do you fuel your dozer at the end of the workday?
To prevent condensation in the fuel tank
What action is the most important part of changing the cutting edges on a bulldozer?
Making sure the cutting edges are blocked
What could happen when using articulated steering on a grader with the blade positioned at an acute angle?
Blade could run into the rear tire on turns
What component should you never reach through while operating a grader
The Steering Wheel
How many control levers are typically on a grader?
9 Levers
What terms do we use to designate a grader’s moldboard ends?
Heel and toes
To have the material cut by a grader form a windrow, you must
raise the heel of the moldboard
By adjusting the pitch of a grader moldboard, you change the
cutting or dragging action of the cutting edge.
What type of action occurs when you pitch a grader scarifier to the rear?
Which tooth do you take out first when removing teeth from a grader scarifier?
Center of the scarifier.
What grading operation spreads material away from the ditching operation and toward the middle of the road?
Shoulder pickup
When cutting the back slope of a ditch with a grader, you position the circle and blade to ensure the material flows
inside the right rear tandem tire.
How can you avoid leaving an edge when making the final leveling pass with a grader?
Lift the trailing edge of the blade.
Preparing the downward slope from the centerline to the shoulder of a road is
the final step in road grading.
Other than on the equipment itself, where can you find lube charts that pertain to a particular piece of equipment?
Technical Orders
What must you never do when changing cutting edges and end bits?
Leave the engine running.
How many degrees to each side of center can an articulating scraper turn?
When picking up loose shale with a scraper on level grade, the blade should be positioned to follow
Planes and Lammination
How do you begin a tractor trailer pre-trip inspection?
By opening the engine compartment.
How many inches of play are acceptable in a 20-inch tractor trailer steering wheel?
When conducting an air system check, at approximately what pressure will the parking brake valve “pop” out, indicating an air system failure?
40 PSI
How do you prevent the semitrailer from moving while you back the tractor under it?
Block the trailer wheels with wood blocks (chocks).
How do breakaway trailers differ from cargo trailers?
They are built lower to the ground.
What position is best for unloading a tractor trailer at a warehouse dock?
Back toward the left and turn toward the dock.
What factor(s) determines the method of securing cargo?
Type of cargo
speed of the vehicle
and distance to be traveled.
When hauling construction materials, you should use load binders to
tighten the chains that secure the load to the trailer.`
What can happen to a chain used for tying down a rubber tired loader if a spring binder is not used?
The Chain can Loosen
Where on a forklift is the load capacity displayed?
Data plate.
When will the forklift be driven with the load upgrade?
Grade is in excess of 10 percent.
When operating a forklift, what do you do after you have the forks under the pallet?
Accelerate slightly and pull back on the lift-control lever.
When operating a loader with a forklift attachment, what control is used to adjust the forks forward?
What number of feet is the minimum clearance required between power lines and any part of a hydraulic crane or its load?
What factor is the major cause of accidents involving hydraulic cranes?
Improper crane operation.
If a crane equipped with a clamshell needs to travel a long distance, what should you do with the clamshell?
Remove the bucket and haul it in a truck.
Which direction should you wind wire rope onto the drum of a crane from a storage reel?
The same direction as the reel.
When winding wire rope onto the hydraulic crane hoist drum, which hammer should NOT be used to tap the rope?
How is chain size is determined?
By the diameter in inches of the rod used to make the links.
Which factor has the greatest effect in shortening the useful life of nylon rope?
Improper care
Wire rope is classified by all of the following except
its diameter
What happens to the load stress on the leg of a sling as its angle decreases?
It increases because the angle decreases.
While trenching, which construction stakes should not be disturbed?
Offset Stakes
When using a trencher, the cuttings can be pulled back away from the ditch by using a
Pair of Auger flights
If you know the location of an obstacle or utility where you are trenching, you must
stay at least a foot away from it.
If you leave the rear tires on the ground when operating a backhoe, what effect can this have?
Reduce backhoe’s stability
What action do you take if the bucket stalls while you are excavating with a backhoe?
Raise the boom slightly.
When making a rectangular-shaped excavation, why is it important to plan the digging sequence?
To prevent working into situations where the excavator cannot be repositioned.
When excavating a large area, if the first cut is to be made on the west line of the project, the starting point should be where the boom and dipper stick reach the
Northwest Corner.
How do you activate the impactor on an excavator?
Depress the attachment control pedal.
An advantage of using the compactor attachment on an excavator is that it
Gets into areas where space is restricted.
What two types of excavations can be used to protect workers from cave-ins?
Sloping and Benching
The best way to drain the water out of a trench is to use a
Excavated areas, whether they are open for only a day or for weeks, must have what devices to ensure safety?
Why should you use caution if you fill the water truck with a fire hose connected to a fire hydrant?
The hose may come out of the tank and hit someone.
What direction should you work the roller when towing a sheepsfoot roller for a road project?
Outside to the center.
What piece of equipment is usually used to tow a sheepsfoot roller on a construction site?
How can you prevent asphalt from sticking to the drum rolls of a steel-wheel roller?
By using water from spray bars.
When using a steel-wheel roller to roll asphalt, how can you prevent the drive roll from pushing the asphalt up in front of the drum?
Drive the roller forward
Pneumatic-tired rollers are used when the soil to be compacted requires
a kneading action.
The most convenient way to mount equipment on an industrial tractor is with a
three-point hitch.
Which statement describes a floating drawbar?
A crossbar fastened to the lower links of a three-point hitch.
Whom must you check with first before you begin any flight line sweeping operations?
Base operations personnel.
What factor is the most important in the operation of the air sweeper?
The air sweeper is best described as what type of machine?
How is fine dust removed from the air stream before it returns to the air sweeper’s blower?
Skimming it off in the separator.
What action must you take frequently when using the air sweeper to sweep over wet pavement?
Dump the sweeper hopper.
For best results and prolonged sweeper parts life, how should you wash the air sweeper hopper?
From the right and left inspection doors first.
What component drives the sweeping unit on a front-mounted broom sweeper?
Hydraulic motor.
What type(s) of drive systems are available for self-propelled pavers?
Wheels and tracks.
How much compaction can you expect from the vibratory screed of a paving machine?
80 percent.
A paver’s screed is said to be “zeroed” out when what condition exists?
The screed is perfectly level.
What substance can be used to aid in the clean-up of the paving machine?
Asphalt release agent.
When operating a rollover snowplow, what speed will give you the best rolling action off the end of the blade?
30 mph.
When sweeping, what type of bristle is best for flipping snow?
The snow and ice control (S&IC) center should be equipped with
color-coded layout maps showing priorities.
During snow removal, which issue will determine your actual clearing pattern?
Wind speed and direction.
All snow removal equipment operating in the area of aircraft movement must maintain radio contact with the
Control Tower.
When the windrows get too heavy for the sweeping operation, what equipment should you use to displace the snow?
When crosswinds are combined with a heavy snowfall, where must you concentrate snow removal operations?
Runway centerline area.
When possible, you should clear snow from airfield in-pavement lights with a snow broom or
a snowplow blade with rubber cutting edges.
What is the runway ice detection system (RIDS) designed to minimize?
Which reading is not collected by the central processing unit (CPU) of the runway ice detection system (RIDS)?
Ice Thickness